Chapter 13

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Alexis's pov

After my lovely shower, I decided to go downstairs to get a class of orange juice. I exited my bedroom, trying to go down the stairs without falling because I couldn't see anything. It was now 1am in the morning.

I walked down to the last step and heard the front door open. My heart stopped at that moment, I didn't have my gun on me. I was already in the kitchen so I grabbed a knife.

The person came into the kitchen. Suddenly the lights turned on. It was Antonio. "You scared the shit out of me!" I screamed at him. "First of all put the knife down, second of all what are you doing up so late? And third of all language. " He said. I let go of the knife which falls off the counter and lands on the floor almost stabbing me. Wouldn't be the first time, but that is a story for another time.

Antonio flinched as it landed on the floor and rushed towards  me to see if it didn't stab me. "Alexis you are bleeding!"He said panicking. "Wouldn't be the first time." I mumbled to myself. He heard me, shit. "What do you mean 'it isn't the first time'." He asked concerned. "It isn't important." I said trying to get out of this conversation.

He stayed quiet after that and continued cleaning the wound. It burned a lot. After he was done, he looked at me with worry. I was just unfazed by it. I hate to see my brothers sad, it makes me sad to see them that way. I grab my glass of chocolate milk and walked back up to my room.

For the next 30 minutes I was with my own thoughts. Which was never good. I decided it was enough and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up, today was Tuesday, I got into the shower and washed my hair and did my morning routine. After I was done I dried myself and got into my gym clothes, I exited my room heading towards the gym.

Did my workout, while listening to my music. After that I was sore, very very sore. I was walking out of the gym and walked into the kitchen where everyone was enjoying their breakfast. They all looked at me. "Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked and they all looked down at their breakfast. I was standing there very confused about what was happening.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. Got into comfortable clothes .

I sat down with everyone, I poor cereal into my bowl

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I sat down with everyone, I poor cereal into my bowl. No one made a conversation. So I started one. "I want to dye my hair." I said which causes them to look up at me. They look at me like I'm insane.

"Why do you want to dye your hair?" Elijah asked. "Because I want to, I wanna try a new look." I said smiling at them. "Then what color? Angelo asks. "I was thinking red."I said

(You can choose dark red or this red :) )

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(You can choose dark red or this red :) )

I showed them a picture and they looked at me as if I was insane. "What, it looks good?" I said. As I finished that sentence, dad walks in saying good morning to everyone with mom behind him. We all sat there enjoying our breakfast.

At least I didn't have to go to school. It was so boring. We finished our breakfast and everyone went their separate ways. Elijah and Jaxson went to school, while the others worked on their mafia work.

I went to my room and got my Bluetooth speaker out and connected my phone to it. I set it on full volume. I blasted the song 'big jet plane by restricted. I danced to that song and singing along.

I didn't realize someone came in.

Riccardo's pov

I checked up on Alexis. How closer I got to her room i realized how hard she was blasting her music. I opened her door after knocking a few times. I see her dancing and singing along with the song. She didn't realize I was standing here.

I stood by the door and looking at her dancing and singing along till she noticed me. She changed the song (the other side by ruelle) she sang along. I stood there smiling as she danced and singed.

When the song ended, her back was facing me. She turned around and saw me standing here. "How long has dad been standing there?" She asked. "Long enough to hear 2 songs."  I said smiling at her. She looked down embarrassed, I walked up to her and gave her a hug which she returned.

"I was just checking up on you but it looks like you are okay." I said said laughing. " we are thinking about going to a gun range later, when everyone is back home." I said and she looked very excited about it. "That is going to be fun!" She said very excited and jumping around her room.

I walked out of her room and continued my work. The Spanish mafia was stealing our shipments and when they attacked us, we protected Alexis. We didn't want to loose her again, me and the boys wasn't going to let that happen again.

As the day went on me and the boys made turns on checking up on her, we where busy with the stolen shipments till 2pm. Elijah and Jaxson came through the front door and went to the kitchen to get snacks and went upstairs.

We were going to the gun range at 4 so we had 2 hours till that. Alexis came running down the stairs being chased by Elijah. They ran out side and jumped straight into the pool. Jaxson joined then after, they where splashing each other.

The other boys joined after a few minutes. They grabbed water guns and chased each other around the backyard, laughing. I was standing at the glass door watching them run around.

Antonio grabbed Alexis and started heading to the pool. He dropped her in the pool and when she came back up and she screamed that she will get him back.

It was great to have her back in the family.

Here is Chapter 13 :) hope you enjoyed the Chapter! :)

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