Chapter 28

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Alexis's pov

We made it home and Enzo stood outside and watched as I drove in and parked the car in the driveway. We climbed out and I walked towards the front door where Enzo stood. "Hey, can I ask you something?" He asked. "Sure, what do you want to ask me?" I asked, looking at him. "Do you mabey want to go to the arcade with me, just you and me?" He asked hoping I say yes. It can't be that bad, but one thing. I never been at an arcade before so I thought it won't be that bad. "Sure, when do you want to go?" I asked him. "Let's say at 3, is that okay?" He asked looking happy. "Yep that is good." I said, I walked in to the front door and to my room. I throw my bag in the corner of my room and jumped onto my bed, I stayed there for a couple of minutes and then decided to grab a monster out of my fridge and go downstairs.

I see my brothers and Enzo are playing games one their Playstation. I went over to them and sat on the couch and watch them play games. I remembered that I have to ask dad if I could go with Enzo to the arcade. I stood up and walked to my dad's office and knocked on the door, after hearing 'Come in' I opened the door and I was about to ask him but he said "If it is about the thing with Enzo, I already told him that it's fine if you go with him." I was relieved about that. "Thanks dad" I said which he replied with nodding his head. I looked at the clock and it said that it was 2:30pm so I went up to my room and started getting ready for the arcade. I went with and all black outfit.

I did some light makeup and headed downstairs, he waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. "Ready," he said and I nodded my head and walked out the front door. He open the door to his car for me and I said thank you and climbed into the passenger seat. He went around and climbed in the drivers seat, he started the car and reversed out of the driveway and out the gate. The car ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I looked out the window, looking at the trees passing by.

Eventually we made it to the mall and parked in the parking lot. We went in and I followed behind him, not really knowing where to go. When we arrived at the arcade I was surprised, looking at all the colors that was there.

There is so many games that you could play. Enzo went and got our tokens, while I looked like a kid in a candy store, looking around. He came back with two plastic bowls with lot of tokens in them. We saw a punching machine and we both smile at the same time. We went to it and I put in my tokens, I went to punch it, hitting it with my bare hands, sadly they didn't give boxing gloves. The score went up to 564 went I hit it, Enzo was impressed by my score so he went and put his tokens in, he punched it and the score went up to 672. I crossed my arms and my hands hurt. I don't know why they don't give boxing gloves. Our hands began to hurt after a couple rounds, so we moved on to a basketball machine.

We put our tokens in and the basketballs began falling towards us, we both picked up a basketball and threw it, trying to make it in the hoop, I'm horrible at basketball and Enzo was good, we played another round and I got a bit better at throwing it into the hoop. Behind us was a air hockey game so he stood on the other side and I on the other side. He hit the air hockey puck and it went to me, I hit it and it landed straight into the goal, I put my hands in the air and jumped around. Enzo saw a claw machine and he grabbed my hand and dragged me there. We tried but we struggled, we kept trying and I got no luck, but he sounded excited and came over to me with a pick teddy bear.

(Please ignore the bottom of the right foot, I didn't notice it until now💀)

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(Please ignore the bottom of the right foot, I didn't notice it until now💀)

He looked happy and he gave me the teddy bear and I immediately hugged it, I'll probably never let it go. "Thank you, it is so cute." I said still hugging it. We then played other games until out tokens ran out, it has been over 1 hour and it was the best hour so far today, after our tokens ran out, we went and counted our tickets into a machine. All together we had 468 tickets we went to get a prize  we both saw a car prize that was for 234 tickets, so we got two of them.

 All together we had 468 tickets we went to get a prize  we both saw a car prize that was for 234 tickets, so we got two of them

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I got the red one and he got the blue one. We walked out of the arcade and decided to go to a restaurant we sat down at one of the booths there and put our prizes under the table, we looked at the menu not knowing what to get. I decided to get a chocolate milkshake and toasted sandwiches, Enzo got a latte and also toasted sandwiches. The waiter took our order and said that it will be here shortly. We talked as we waited for our food and drinks. We talked about wanting to have a dog or a cat or maybe a bird. I would love to have a pet bird, I can teach him all kinds of tricks! That would be so cool. But you could also teach a dog or a cat tricks which is also cute. When we finished our conversation, our food arrived and it looked yummy.

Hello, everyone! Here is Chapter 28

It has been a busy weekend for me but I'll catch up on the chapters, Chapter 29 is already being worked on!

Have a great day or night, where ever you guys are reading this :)

Total words: 1069

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