Chapter 33

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Ricardo's pov

Later on Aurora and the other boys came after they heard, Aurora was stressed and so were the boys and I am worried. We waited and waited and sat there for 1 hour.

The doors opened and the doctor walked through, we immediately stood up. "Mr and Mrs Romano, we did all the tests and check ups, we stitched up all the deep cuts, but her head, what happened?" The doctor asked. "There was people who entered our school and she was in the bathroom and the school was on lockdown and she came out of the bathroom and we heard a gunshot and we rush towards the door and she and the man was shooting, at the end a man hit her in the back of the head with a metal pipe twice." Elijah said scared of the results we are going to get.

"Oh okay, so she is completely okay, there is just one thing she might forget a couple of memories, not big ones but little ones, like she'll forget where she put something. But that might happen." The doctor said. Aurora almost burst into tears when the doctor said she would forget a couple of memories, but calmed down after he said it isn't big memories. "Her head was also bleeding badly, but we fix it and she is alright." He also said. "That's great to hear." Said Jaxson. "You can go in to go see her if you want" said the doctor but as he said that her brothers were already in her room.

Time skip

It was almost midnight, my wife, Aurora, was fast asleep and me and the boys were still wide awake. We had bodyguards in front of Alexis's room. "Dad, I think we should have 1or 2 bodyguards with her because sense she is back, she has been targeted, targeted by her kidnappers people and I'm pretty sure that they are in the mafia and she didn't know about it." Marco said, I agreed with him on that. "Yes, I'll do that when she is awake." I said. We didn't leave, we didn't want to leave her side. Doctors came in and out to check up on her and how things are going. "She might wake up in a few hours, sir." Said one of the doctors. I nodded my head and the doctor left.

A few hours went by and it was 2am in the morning and we were still there by her side. Then we heard banging on the door, we looked around and saw Alex I think his name was, I think the guards didn't recognise him, Angelo went and opened the door for him to come in. "Sorry I came so late, my mom wouldn't let me leave the house." He said and I nodded. "How is she, is there any issues?" Alex asked. "She is alright, the doctor said she might forget somethings but not big memories, so she will still know who we are." I said. "That's great news, Alena will also be here soon, hopefully Alexis is awake by then." He said. We all talked about random things and later on Aurora woke up. So now and then one of us goes and gets something to eat and drink for everyone. The doctors and nurses goes in and out of the room as the hours past. Alena, Alexis's best friend came in the room and asked how she was and we told her the exact same story that we told Alex.

It was almost 4 in the morning now and she hasn't woken up yet, we are still sitting here, scared if we leave that something bad happens again and we want to be there by her when she wakes up. We all are worried about her and her brothers are searching for the people that caused this to happen. A few minutes go by. "Dad I found them, but this isn't very great news." Marco said concerned for his sister's life. "What is it?" I asked. "It is Carlo's mafia that is after her and they want to take Alexis back to him, he didn't die in that car accident and he is still walking around causing trouble." Marco said, that sended all of us into panic.

Alexis's pov

What happened

It all came back to me of what happened, the last thing I saw before I got hit in the head was one of Carlo's men. It is going to be hell when I wake up.

I didn't want to think of what is going to happen. All I wanted was to go back home and hangout with my brothers again.

My thoughts stopped when I heard my family's voices, what are they talking about. "Dad, I found them, but this isn't very great news." I think it was Marco's voice saying that. Who did they find and why isn't it good news? I wondered. "What is it?" My dad's voice said. But if I'm hearing their voices then it means I'm not with Carlo's men. That's great news at least. But what Marco said after that terrified me. "It is Carlo's mafia that is after her and they want to take Alexis back to him, he didn't die in that car accident and he is still walking around causing trouble." No that can't be true, the police said he was dead. No that can't be. I tried opening my eyes but my eyes won't. Please tell me this is a nightmare.

I tried and tried opening my eyes but nothing. There must be a way so that I can wake up. I tried moving my hands and I'm not even sure if it did. Till I heard. "Dad, Alexis's hand moved!" One of my brothers yelled. I tried more and more and I saw a bright light appear, it was so bright I struggled to keep my eyes open. I got used to the light enough so that I could open them fully. Looking around I saw everyone, my friends, my brothers and my mom and dad. They looked happy to see me awake. "My head hurts" I said touching my head.

Hello everyone, sorry for not posting this weekend but here is Chapter 33.

Total words: 1050

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