Chapter 42

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Hi everyone this is a birthday special! I'm 17 today!

__Alexis's pov__

It was time to switch groups now, my group went to Angelo and Marco. My dad's group is coming to me, so let's see how this is going to go.

There were a few girls and boys so let's see who can shoot a gun or throw a knife. "Hi, I'm Alexis and I'll be looking if you can shoot a gun or throw a knife." I said to them, I just hope I don't get a kid that is like the other one I had. Anyway they were excited to be in my area. "Okay, so who wants to go first?" I said and a boy at the front came forward. "So we are going to do knife throwing first and then the shooting." The boy took a knife from my hand and stood at the knife throwing area. He threw it and hit the target.

Okay, he took another one, the rest joined in but not all, five joined so they also took knives from me and threw them to the target. Some made it, some didn't, but it doesn't mean they are not getting picked to be in this mafia and also they are nervous because of me yelling that I'm the number one mafia leader in the world. But I can see they are giving it their all.

Later on Antonio came but hebrought someone with, wanna guess who it was? That's right Enzo. When he saw me here he came happily to me. He gave me a hug and kissed me on my cheek. Which made my face red. Enzo stayed in my area and Antonio was at my dad's. Enzo started with the shooting, which gave me a little break, but I was still with the knife throwing. We showed them how to do it when they were struggling.

Soon enough my group that I have now was finished, everyone took a break for a few minutes. Enzo and I talked about stuff and I brought up the story of the kid in my first group. He was surprised that I was yelling at them because they were judging the girl and that made the whole room dead silent. But the break didn't last long and now I have the group who was by my dad. I was about to begin, when I saw that the small girl was going to ight in my dad's group. "Hey Enzo, can you go on with them, I'll be at dad. I'll be quick." I asked him and he nodded his head and I went to my dad and stood next to him, looking at the boxing ring.

They started fighting, she was good but then took a hit in the stomach and she brushed it off. I noticed she is struggling with her punching. So I showed her how to punch for the stomach, she nodded her head and tried it. She hit him so hard he fell down to the ground holding his stomach. He was down so she won that match. She climbed down the boxing ring and I gave her a high five. "Good job, you'll definitely be on my list for joining this mafia." I aid and she was excited and proud of herself. "But what is the reason that you want to join a mafia?" I asked, interested by her.

"I want to stand up to my abusive parents, show them that I'm strong. I know it's dangerous but I'll keep learning and train till I'm strong enough." She said. I stared at her, that was exactly me before I found out that Carlo and the women weren't my parents. " You know what you remind me of?" I asked her and she shook her head that she didn't know. "You remind me of myself, I was missing for 16 years not knowing of my brothers and my real parents, the people that kidnapped me were abusive as well and I started my mafia." I said showing her my biggest scar on the side of my stomach. "Wow, what happened for you to get that scar?" She asked. " My kidnapper took a knife and sliced my skin so that it came off, the police found it in a jar, when they searched his house, which was disgusting and I was in the hospital before I found out about my real family." I replied to her. She was in disbelief of what I told her right now. "Wow, I can't believe that you survived that. " She said. "Yeah I'm surprised as well, but the mafia world is a dangerous place. " I told her.

"I know it is a dangerous place but I have to do this, for myself and my future." She said and I nodded my head. "I respect your decision, I feel like you are going to fit in and probably be by my side most of the time, because you are skilled, almost as skilled as me. So be proud of that, because it is rare that someone is almost as skilled as me." I said and she said" I'm proud of myself and I feel more confidentabout this as I was at the beginning of this."

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