Chapter 27

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Alexis's pov

Today was school, I want to jump off a bridge. I get up from my comfortable bed and sluggishly walk to my closet to get clothes. Then walk towards my bathroom and turn the shower on, I like taking boiling hot showers because it is relaxing even though my skin turns red. I get out of my pajamas and get in the shower, boiling hot water hitting my skin. I wash my hair and my body. By now the whole bathroom is full with steam. When I finished my lovely shower, I get out and dry myself and put on a black long-sleeved shirt with black pants with pockets on it and black platform boots.

 When I finished my lovely shower, I get out and dry myself and put on a black long-sleeved shirt with black pants with pockets on it and black platform boots

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I walk out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a cereal bowl and poured chocolate cereal and milk into my bowl. I went to the dining table and sat down and started eating my chocolate cereal. Dad sat with the newspaper while my brothers sat with their phones. Mom sat there and looked at us all. I looked at the clock and it was six thirty so we are leaving for school in thirty minutes.

After I was done with my cereal,  I stood up and placed my bowl in the kitchen sink, there was still time to make a coffee before we leave. I always make coffee in the morning and when I don't I'm pissed off and tired. Anyway as I finished making my coffee I started drinking it and it was the best coffee I had in a while. When I finished it, I really wanted another coffee but there wasn't enough time for that. I grabbed my bag and we head to the car. Elijah threw the keys at me and I wasn't paying attention and it hit me in the face. I look at him with a death glare. "Sorry, I thought you were going to catch it" Elijah said while I picked up the keys from the ground.

I climbed in the drivers seat, Elijah in the passenger seat and Jaxson in the back seat. I got my phone out and played 'smile by Zack Orsen' I reversed out of the garage and head to the gate, they nodded their heads and the gate opened. I drove out and drove to hell. The hole car ride to hell, was just us blasting music, and Elijah yelling as he sang along to the songs.

We made it to hell aka school, I drove through the open gate and parked in our spot in the school's parking lot. We climbed out of the car, people staring and whispering at us, mostly me but I ignored them all. I then went to my first class, Computer class. Alena was thankfully in most of my classes so we see each other a lot. I entered the class and jump on my bean bag and got everything ready, like opening up my laptop and text book. People started coming in and sat down on their bean bags. Then the teacher came in and started the period. We went on with coding, learning how to hack someone's phone or find information that you might need. The next thing that happens, the bell rang. Wow, was 30 minutes already over. This day I going by fast.

I packed up everything and went to my second class which was Art. I heard that today we are ganna be painting, luckily I brought my paint brushes with me. The art classroom was big, with student's art works hanging from the ceiling and with comfortable seats and on the other side of the classroom there are canvases and art supplies.

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