Chapter 24

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Alexis's pov

We went to most of the shops in the entire mall, we got clothes, sweets, energy drinks and so much more. We took a break at the food court and ordered food, me and Alex ordered a chicken burger with fries and a milkshake, the others got sandwiches, chips, burgers,  pizzas and I don't know what else.

We spent mostly 4 hours in the mall. We got out of the mall and decided to go to the park, we walked around and saw a play area for kids

We all got on the little bikes and started driving around and this brought out our inner child, we all were laughing and having fun. Alex fell off his bike and kept joking saying 'call an ambulance '  we were chasing each other around the play area and saying 'toot toot ' as if we are honking a car horn. The bodyguards stood there watching us and one of them took video of us acting like we were little kids again, he is probably sending it to my dad.

We stopped with the bikes and walked around till we saw a huge playground, we all ran to it laughing.

I ran to the big slide and started climbing to it, the others went to different spots in the playground. It felt like we were little kids again, but I never got to experience this as a kid. The bodyguards were chasing us as we ran around everywhere. I ran to the sand pit and started building castles with the sand.

When we all decide to go back to my house, it was 4 in the afternoon. We climbed into the car and went home. In the car we were singing along with the songs playing on the radio, laughing about stupid stuff we did and laughing about today at the park. It was the most fun I had in a while. We stopped by the gates at my house and the bodyguards that stood by the gate opened them, we drove though till the front of the house. As we were about to get our stuff that we got at the mall, we were stopped by the guards that said they will put it in my room. I nodded and said thank you. We head inside and went to my room to change into our swim clothes and got towels. We all head to the pool and put our towels on the chairs.

We all jump into the pool and started splashing each other and laughing, my brothers jumped into the pool joining us. It looked like my brothers had friends over, by friends I mean Enzo, before he jumped into the pool he took his shirt of, I was looking at him from a far, but then, THEN, he looked at me and we made eye contact, he smirked while looking at me, my cheeks heated up and I looked away or by that I went underwater. Suddenly I feel someone grab me and bringing me to the surface, I turn around to see who grabbed me and it was Enzo, I tried getting away but he just held me more tightly. "Why are you trying to get away, huh?" He said smirking at me. I didn't know what to say and kept trying to get away but he held on me tightly. At this point all my friends and brothers where looking at us, but they didn't help because they knew what was going on.


was struggling to get away and he was just smirking while I struggle, eventually he let's go of me and goes to my brothers, he kept smirking and looking at me the hole time.

I don't know how I feel about him, I never had the experience of falling in love so I really don't know what it feels like to fall in Love. Because when I was still with my kidnappers, they said that 'no one will ever like me' so I got a few issues because of that. I still have this little voice in my head that tells me 'no one loves me' and I try to ignore it but it just gets louder and louder, till the point that I have to put my headphones on and put the volume up till it can't no more. Once a boy asked me to be his girlfriend and I didn't want to make him sad so I said yes, but I didn't have feelings for him, I planned on keeping it a secret from my kidnappers but that didn't last long and I ended up with several broken bones.

"Alexis" I hear someone call my name but I couldn't make out who it was.

"Alexis!" I turned my head to see who it was and it was Enzo looking at me worried and concerned, "huh" I responded I said looking around me. He took my hand and lead me inside, I was confused of where we are going. He stopped what looked like a random closet and lead me inside, he closes the door behind him before turning to me. " I'm confused, what's happening?" I asked. "Are you okay?" He asked concerned about I don't know what. " Yeah I'm fine why?" I said back holding back tears that dared to fall. "It didn't sound that you were okay back at the pool." He said and that made me more confused about what is going on. "What do you mean?" I asked confused as fuck. " Alexis you you spoke out loud while you where zoning out." He said which causes me to look at him wide eyed. "What did I say?" I asked hoping it wasn't about my past." You kept mumbling 'no one loves me' and 'no one will ever like me" and then you said that your kidnappers found out and you ended up with several broken bones." He said.


I stayed silent and looked down at the flour and began fidgeting with with my hands. He lifted my chin up so that I can look him in the eyes but then suddenly...

He kissed me..

I stood there in shock as he kissed me. He moved away and looked at me while I stood there in complete shock. He gave me a hug and said "Stop telling yourself that no one will like or love you, because that voice in your head is wrong" Al I could do right now in nod my head. " I need words Alexis." He said making blush more that I was already. " Yes" I said nodding my head at him. He smiled and left the closet, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What the hell just happened?

Here is Chapter 24 hope you enjoyed it :)

Total words: 1135

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