Chapter 31

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Alexis's pov


I would jump out a window just to skip the hole day, but people would be worried.

Just kidding I don't care if they are worried or something, math was extremely boring and I sat by an open window. We were on the second floor, but that is no problem for me. I had enough of this boring class and jumped out the window, I heard a bunch of gasps and annoying screams as they ran to the window to see if I'm still alive after jumping out the window from the second story. But I was already gone, I walked around the school campus till the bell rang and I walked back inside to go to art.

I got everything I needed for art, like paint brushes, pencils and the rest. Art is my favorite subject, I walked into the class and took my seat, today we are going to learn about the history of art. About how it started, and different paintings from long ago. We where about to start I was called in to the principal's office. There goes my comfort subject for the day, now I'm annoyed, couldn't they call me after art? I hated when I get interrupted while I draw or do my art projects.

I walk through the halls annoyed and then the hall monitor stopped me. "Hall pass?" He asked I push passed him and he grabs my arm, I turned around and hit him in the face, he let's go of me and holds his nose, not surprised if it's broken.

His name is Tristan or the hall monitor, he is a annoying spoiled kid who thinks he is tough, he thinks everyone is afraid of him.

I got to the principal's office and opened the door, both the principal and my dad turned to look at me as i walk to the couch that was in her office and sat on it. "Okay, now that you're here you can explain why you jumped out the second story window." She asked looking pissed off. "Math was boring." Is all I said. Her face turned into confusion as she looks at me. "That's it?" She asked. "Yep" I said popping the p while I stared at her. She then shook her head thinking that I'm dumb for jumping out a window because I was bored. Me and my dad just sat there looking at her because my dad knew I would do stupid things like this. "Well then don't do it again, other wise some people will think your suicidal." She said. "Sure thing" I said back to her. After that we were dismissed and me and my dad walked out of her office.

"Your mother is worried when she heard that you jumped out of a window" dad said which made me a bit sad. "Please tell her that I'm okay" I said and dad nodded his head and said that he will. He walked out of the school after saying goodbye to me and then I went back to my classes. Art is over which I wasn't happy about, now its English, which I hate. I went to my locker and got everything and walked towards English class, when I got there I went inside and went to my seat, where I'll probably be sleeping.

Class began to start and I lay my head down on my arms and drifted off to sleep.

People started to pack up when I woke up and luckily the class ended. I grabbed my books from the table and walked out of class. Finally it is break, I walked to the cafeteria and went to sit down with my brothers. We talked about random stuff and then Jackson asked "why did you get called to the principal's office, Alexis?" "Because i jumped out of a window." I said, their faces went pale as they heard that. "Why did you jump out a window?" Elijah asked. "Because math was extremely boring." Is all I said. "Really?" They both asked. "Yep" I said while nodding my head. We are our lunch and talked about random stuff again.

When the bell rang, I wasn't in the mood to sit in boring classes for hours. But I had to, I just have to sleep through it all.

Ricardo's pov

I got home and the boys asked me why she jumped out the window and I said "She said math was extremely boring" and Marco let out a laugh and so did Antonio, Angelo and Lorenzo. Aurora looked relieved as I said that but still worried that she is ganna hurt herself because she has been though horrible things in her past.

Me and the boys went back to our work, Aurora said that she is going to take a walk in the garden, I nodded my head and then she walked outside. She always loved taking a walk or sitting in the garden, she would sit in the garden for hours and one of the boys would sometimes be with her there. Now school ended that means that Alexis and her brothers are going to be home soon.

Alexis's pov

Almost the end of the day then we get to go home. The bell rang which means that there is one more class then it's time to go home, the last class of the day was history, boring as ever.

 I had to go to the bathroom so I stood up and walked out the door, the teacher didn't even realise that I walked out, I walked to the bathrooms and went in

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I had to go to the bathroom so I stood up and walked out the door, the teacher didn't even realise that I walked out, I walked to the bathrooms and went in. I did my business, when I was done, I went to wash my hands, but the school's alarm went off. There was speakers in every classroom and in the hall, the principal voice came through those speakers saying. "Hello everyone, the school is now on lockdown, please stay in your class until this lockdown is over, people have entered the school and has weapons."

Fuck my life. Luckily I had my gun here so I opened the bathroom door. Time to kick some people asses again.


Hello everyone!

I will be updating every weekend till December, exams are going to start anytime for me so till the end of my exams, I'll be updating every weekend.

Hope you have an amazing day/evening/night!

Sorry for not updating for so long, but here is Chapter 31!

Total words: 1078

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