Chapter 21

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Alexis's pov

As we were leaving the place, he followed us. Marco noticed as well, we were almost at the car when he grabbed me putting me in a chokehold. Marco was about to do something, but I grabbed him and threw him over me which ended up him on the ground. Once he was on the ground I grabbed my gun from my thigh and pointed it at him. "What do you want ?" I asked him. "Long time no see Alexis, I see you have improved since the last time I saw you." He said smiling like a maniac. "Yes I have, actually when I was fifteen, but you didn't notice that." I said still pointing my gun at him.

Dad and my other brothers came out of the building, probably saw him following me and Marco. Lorenzo picked him up and told the guards to take him to the warehouse. As they took him away from us, I put my gun back. "I think you should get her home before more people that are friends with Carlo came close to Alexis." Dad said and me and my brothers agreed to what dad said. Me and Marco got into the car, I think this car is my new favorite car. I have always loved mustang cars, they were my favorite and will always be.

 I have always loved mustang cars, they were my favorite and will always be

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"My turn to drive." I said getting in on the drivers side. Marco put his hands in the air surrendering and then climbed into the passenger seat. Marco put his seatbelt on and then I put mine on. I started the car and drove out the gates. As I was driving, I realized I don't know the way back. "Do you know how to get back to the house?" I asked Marco, turning to park somewhere. He turns towards me "You don't remember the way when we drove to the ball?" Marco asked, I moved my head left and right. "I lived in London so no I don't know where I'm going" I said looking at Marco. "Just let me drive" Marco said. "Fine " I said pouting. I opened the car door and Marco does the same. We switched sides and now I was in the passenger seat while Marco was in the drivers seat.

He started the car and we started to head home. I looked out the window zoning out. I wonder what was he doing there at the ball. How did he know I was going to be there? But I'll ask him that at the warehouse. I was interrupted by Marco poking me with his finger. I grabbed his finger and push it away. "We are home, do you want to watch a movie or bake cookies?" Marco asked as I nodded my head. "Cookies, let's make chocolate chip cookies!" I said excited. I get out of the car full of excitement and head into the house. I get to the kitchen and got the ingredients ready. I know he is trying to get my mind off of what happened and it's working, all I'm thinking is to bake chocolate chip cookies.

He came in and I started mixing the ingredients. "Hey, I wanna help too!" Marco said coming towards the kitchen. I giggled at his behavior. He poured the choco into the bowl as I get the chocolate chips from the pantry I poured the hole bag of chocolate chips into the mixing bowl and Marco mixed it. I got a pan and set it down on the table. We took the dough and placed it in the pan after that we got 34 cookies out of the dough. Marco puts the pan into the oven and as we waited we cleaned up. But I grabbed a hand full of flour and threw it at Marco. The flour hit him right in the face and I burst out laughing. He also grabbed flour and threw it at me which ended up in my face. We both grabbed a hand full of flour and threw it at each other.

We both were laughing as we throw flour at each other. Minutes go by and I remember the cookies. "Stop we got to check the cookies!" I said while laughing. He stopped and went to the over to the oven and opened it. "It is done." He says taking the cookies out of the oven and placing it on the table.

I took one and tasted it and it was the best cookies I ever had

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I took one and tasted it and it was the best cookies I ever had. "It is the best! Try one ." I said taking another bite out of my cookie. He took one and bite into it and I could tell he loved it as much as I do. "You're right, this is the best !" Marco says. We grabbed another one but before we did that we took a shower in our own bathrooms and changed into new clothes because we were covered in flour.

We got our cookies and sat down on the couch and watched a movie and by movie we watched Culpa Mía which means 'My fault' in Spanish. We watched the movie and I would say it is a good movie.

(If you didn't watch it yet this might be a spoiler, I'm sorry)

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(If you didn't watch it yet this might be a spoiler, I'm sorry)

I loved this scene, it is my favorite.  When the movie was over the front door opened, it must be dad and the others. Me and Marco came home at 10pm and it's now midnight so the ball ended. "Hey, the world's best cookies are on the kitchen counter!" I yelled. "Oooo Cookies!" Jaxson yelled running to the kitchen. Soon everyone took a cookie and agreed that it was the best cookie ever.

Everyone went upstairs to change and I went to the kitchen to make popcorn, we all agreed that we are ganna watch a movie. The popcorn was done and I poured it into bowls and handed everyone their own bowl of popcorn and picked a movie, which was The Conjuring.

Here is Chapter 21, hope you like it 😊

Here is Chapter 21, hope you like it 😊

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Total words: 1013

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