Chapter 14

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Alexis's pov

We went to the gun range I choosed the gun I wanted to practice shooting. They gave noise canceling headphones to block out the sound of the gun being fired. I picked the Beretta 9mm.

(If it is the wrong name I'm sorry

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(If it is the wrong name I'm sorry.)

We stood and fired the gun hitting a cardboard like person. I pulled the trigger, while my brothers watched me. I hit it square in the crotch. I heard my brothers saying not to mess with me if I had a gun on me, which I laughed to. We spent hours at the gun range till dad said we had to go home.

"Dad, can we stop at the store real quick?" I asked wanting to get my revenge. "Sure, princiessa." Dad said back. Yes! He stopped at the store. "I'll be quick." I said already closing the car door. My brothers rushed out the door. They catched up to me and said that Elijah had to come with me.

Me and Elijah went into the store and I told him about the hair dye prank on Antonio. He joined in on the prank and we got to the hair dye, I wanted to get red hair dye as well so I could dye my hair. I paid it after a long argument on who was going to pay it because my brother wanted to pay it but I inserted my card first so.

I told him that i was ganna wait till he was out of his room and then put the hair dye in his shampoo bottle. We laughed till we got to the car. Dad started the car and we went home.

I am going to get him back for throwing me into the pool. I got the pink hair dye so I waited till he was out of his room, I walked into his room, but wow his room was messy.

I made my way through his clothes that was on the floor and walking into his bathroom. I got his conditioner bottle and opened it, pouring the pink hair dye in it, I can't wait to see this happen.

After I was finished pouring the hair dye in his conditioner bottle. I made sure I didn't spill anything and put his shampoo back in place. I walked out of his room and waited for the drama to begin. It was now 7:30pm which it was dinner. We all sat down and ate our dinner. We talked about our day and the gun range.

We all were laughing. Mom talked about my brothers childhood, but all the embarrassing stuff. Dinner finished and Antonio excused himself to take a shower, me and Elijah looked at each other and smiled.

Antonio's pov

I excused myself to go take a shower. When I threw Alexis into the pool I laughed for the first time in a long time. It was fun to have her back. At dinner mom told her all the embarrassing stories of our childhood. We laughed. I stopped thinking and got into the shower. I got my hair wet and grabbed my conditioner bottle and poured it on my hair.

I rub it in and left I on for a few minutes. I washed myself and then rinse the conditioner out. I noticed that the water turned pink. What the actual fuck. I finished my shower dried my hair and looked into my mirror to see my hair was a bright pink.


I rushed downstairs to the living room where everyone was sitting. "Alexis what did you do?!" I Shouted and she and everyone bursts out laughing. "Revenge for throwing me into the pool!"She Shouted at me while laughing.

"This better come out, Alexis." I said. "It will wash out in 6 -8 weeks." Alexis said. She better be joking. I glare at her while she was still laughing. "You better be joking " I said hoping she is joking. "Nope." She said bursting out in laughter again. I'll throw her in the pool again I swear. She stood up as I began walking to her.

She began running and I chased her. I eventually caught up to her and grabbed her, throwing her over my shoulder and walked to where the pool was. She began panicking and saying to put her down. Dad and the others followed us laughing."Dad, please help me!"She screamed for dad to help her but he said that she knew what was going to happen.

She landed into the pool, when she got up to the surface, she grabbed my foot which causes me to loose my balance and also landed into the pool. When I got to the surface she was already trying to get out of the pool but before I could stop her she was already out.

I climbed out of the pool and mom gave us both towels to dry off. When we where dry we went to our rooms to change into new clothes. I went down and she decided to stay in her room.

I decided to do a bit of work till it was time to go to bed.

Alexis's pov

He threw me into the pool! I got to the surface and grabbed his foot which causes him to loose balance and also fell into the pool. When he came to the surface I was already out. Mom gave us both towels to dry off.

When we where sort of dry we went inside to our rooms to change, I got into a white shirt because I was ganna dye my hair anyway. I got the box of hair dye and started putting it on my hair.

When I was finished putting it in my hair, I went downstairs to get a snack. I saw Marco in the living room on his laptop. I went to get a snack which was m&m's and a glass of chocolate milk. When I was about to leave, Marco looked at me with the hair dye in my hair. "You weren't joking when you said you wanted to go red." He said. I nodded at him. "Yep, I wasn't joking about that." I said back to him. He went on with his work and I went to my room to rinse the hair dye out.


Hope you enjoyed Chapter 14 !♡

Have a great day!

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