Chapter 15

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Alexis's pov

I rinse the hair dye out. It was like Crimson color almost looking like blood. After that. I dried my hair with a blow-dryer, I loved my new look. I styled my hair in a messy bun.

I went downstairs to get a glass of milk. I love milk and I always will. I was about to go upstairs when I heard voices coming from my dad's office. And me being the curious person I am, I went and stood at the door. I heard my dad and other unfamiliar voices, they talked about a ball that was going to happen with other mafias joining.

I decided to go to my room after they mentioned the name of the ball that was going to happen next month and it was ganna be on the first. I got my phone and tried to research the name of the ball but got nothing. I decided to go to sleep. Falling asleep right when my head hit the pillow.

Riccardo's pov

We had a meeting in my office when Alexis went to sleep."So when are we going to tell her about the ball that us coming up?" Angelo questioned. "We'll tell her on Monday when she gets home from school but we need to focus on protecting her from the other mafias that are going to be there" I said to the boys and some guards. They all nodded and we came up with a plan

1) either she stays with one of the boys at all

2) We have as many guards everywhere. And 1
or 2 guards with her.

There was rules to the ball, that is no weapons, no killing each other or harming anyone. We don't want anyone to harm her. It was already 3 in the morning when we finished the meeting. We all went to sleep. The ball was going to be next month on the first. So we had 2 weeks to plan everything.

The ball is going to be full of mafias around the whole world and I want to keep my principessa safe, because I'm not going to loose her again.

3rd person pov

The next morning Alexis was up before anyone else. She took a warm shower and did her makeup, but not to much though. Antonio's hair was still bright pink. She laughed at the thought of it. She decided to start making breakfast for her family. Mixed the pancake mix and got a pan, started the stove and poured the pancake mix into the pan.

It was about five thirty in the morning. Alexis thought about the ball that she over heard. She didn't realize that her hand was near the flame. "Fuck" Alexis said walking towards the sink to put her hand into cold water. "Language " Marco said standing in the kitchen. Alexis jumped and wasn't expecting any one to be up at 6:34am.

"Sorry" Alexis said while rolling her eyes. Alexis continued making pancakes. Alexis and Marco talked till it was 7. Angelo and Antonio came downstairs smelling pancakes. They both sat down and grabbed some pancakes. They told Alexis that the pancakes are the best that they have had. Alexis smiled as the others came down.

Everyone ate their pancakes. Elijah and Jaxson excused themselfs to get ready for school. They finished their breakfast and started the day. Her Dad and her brothers worked on mafia stuff while Alexis went to the library looking for new books because she finished the other books.

Alexis got a stack of books again and bring the books to her room. She picked up the other stack of books she finished and went to the library. She packed every book in its place and went to her room to spend the day reading.

Riccardo and the boys worked on planning the ball. They didn't know that Alexis knew about the ball, they still think that she has no idea. They planned on where the ball is going to take place.

They knew that she was in her own mafia but still worried about her getting kidnapped again

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They knew that she was in her own mafia but still worried about her getting kidnapped again.

Alexis's pov

I sat in my room reading until I got a message. I opened my phone and read the message from Alex.

Alex: There is going to be a ball in two weeks and every mafia is going to be there.

Alexis: Yes, I know about it, I overheard my dad talking about it.

Alex: Okay, are you going to be attending the ball?

Alexis: Yes, I guess I don't have a choice to go, yet I'm in the mafia so I have to go which you guys are ganna be there as well.

Alex: yes, Alena is nervous about it.

Alexis: I'll chat with her and see if I can comfort her.

Alex: Sure :)

I went out of the chat and went to Alena and send her a message.

Alexis: Hey, I know you are nervous about the ball that's coming up.

Alena: yeah, I'm very nervous, but you are coming right? I hope you are!

Alexis: of course I'm coming! But I know my brothers are not ganna let me out of their sight.😂

Alena: Yeah, they aren't. 😂

Alexis: yeah my dad and brothers talked about the ball last night and I overheard it.

Alena: oh so you found out last night.

Alexis: yeah and I also dyed my hair red. I pranked one of my brothers by putting pink hair dye in his shampoo as revenge for throwing me into the pool.😂😂

Alena: that's fucking hilarious 🤣🤣His hair is probably going to be pink at the ball 🤣

Alexis: yeah, I'm going to laugh at him at the ball. 😂

We chatted for an hour laughing about my brother's pink hair. He is probably going to be so embarrassed at the ball, though I wonder what I am going to wear. I went to my closet and looked through the dresses.

I saw this dress, a pink-red dress that I got at the mall

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I saw this dress, a pink-red dress that I got at the mall. I think im going to wear this to the ball.

Hello, Chapter 15 is finished, hope you enjoyed it :)

Total words:1038

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