Chapter 7

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Alexis's pov

We got into the car and drove back to home. As we drove, I looked behind me and saw a black SUV following behind us I looked back. "Marco, there is a black SUV following us." I say getting a bit suspicious.

Angelo looked back and said to get our guns ready, a gunshots was going through the back window, I dodged it just in time

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Angelo looked back and said to get our guns ready, a gunshots was going through the back window, I dodged it just in time. I opened my window so did Angelo, we began firing at the SUV. I shot the guy in the passenger seat while Angelo shot the driver.

Marco called dad while we were shooting the other SUV's behind us.

Marco's pov

When Alexis said that we were being followed. "Get your guns ready and shoot everyone in that car." I said. Alexis and Angelo both nodded and took out their guns. One bullet went through the back window and Alexis dodged it last second.

I began to call dad while the where shooting the other cars. Dad picked up after the first ring. "Hello, is everything okay. Marco? " Asked dad. "No, we are currently being shot at, Alexis and Angelo are shooting at them as I'm talking to you."I said still focused on the road.

"Shit, the car you are driving has a tracker build into it so we are ganna find your location and be there as soon as we can, Marco" Dad said. "Okay dad, bye" I said hanging up. I looked in the review mirror and see Angelo and Alexis still shooting at them.

I speed up dodging the other cars trying to loose them. Alexis shot at the last car as it crashes into a tree. They stick their heads back in the car with relieve on their faces. "I think that's all of them" Alexis says. I nodded my head as we pull up to the front gates as I see many guards, they opened the gate and we parked in front of the house.

We climbed out as dad rushes towards us, "Are you okay?" Dad asked in concern. " yes we are" said Alexis which causes dad to relax but soon changed in to panic. I looked around to Alexis to see her bleeding. Angelo started to panic as well.

Alexis's pov

While I was shooting a bullet came almost missing me, I felt the pain rush through my body as it hit, I continued shooting and hitting the last car. We pulled our heads back into the car as we pulled up to the front gate, I saw many guards outside.

We parked at the front of the house and got out as dad rushed towards us. "Are you okay?" Dad asked in concern. " yes, we are." I said knowing damn well I wasn't okay. Dad's face relaxed and soon changed in panic as he saw blood running down my arm, all three of my brothers turned to me as they saw panic on Dad's face.

They began panicking while dad called someone to help. I was used to bleeding because of my past. I felt dizzy as I began losing my vision. Dark black circles started appearing and I fell unconscious.

Angelo's pov

As I turned my head to Alexis after seeing Dad's face changed, I saw blood coming from Alexis's arm. Dad called for help as me and my two brothers began panicking while she stood there unfazed by it. Suddenly she fell causing me to catch her.

She was rushed to our private hospital as soon as she fell unconscious. Everyone was panicking at this stage. We waited in the waiting room waiting for the doctor come out. We sat there for almost 2 hours.

The door opens as I stood up along with dad and my brothers. "The surgery was successful but we noticed something. " He said as dad looked relieved and worried. "What is it." Dad asked the doctor. " we found many scars and bruises all over her body but it wasn't fresh." As he said that, my heart sank. Dad looked angry as well as my brothers.

They began throwing things as I stood there thinking What happened when she was taken?


Sorry this is a short chapter, school begins tomorrow and I'm not in the mood for school😭😭🥲

Total words:717

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