Chapter 2

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Riccardo's pov

It is now 11:00 am and I went to the living room where everyone was waiting for me. Me, Angelo, Antonio and Marco said goodbye to everyone, we headed to the car.

 Me, Angelo, Antonio and Marco said goodbye to everyone, we headed to the car

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We drove to the airport, the boys are talking non stop in the back. After the London police called me , I immediately called the pilot to get the jet ready at 12:00pm. The flight is ganna take 2 hours and 43 minutes.

We made it to the airport, as we climb out of the car, everyone bows the head as a sign of respect, as I sit down in the jet, Angelo sits next to me and Antonio and Marco sits in front of us.

The pilot said to put our seatbelts on before we take off. Only 2 hours till I see my bamb (baby) again after 15 years.

We took off and me and the boys started talking about business, we talked about a mafia

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We took off and me and the boys started talking about business, we talked about a mafia. " Dad, I got information about black heart, she is going to be in Italy." Marco said. " there wasn't any problems, why is this happening now?" Antonio said. Why is she all of the sudden going to Italy.

As the plane landed, we were all excited to see her. We exited the plane and made our way to the car.

Alexis's pov

I woke up the next day, I don't know if I'm excited or nervous, I hope they don't abuse me as the people I called "family". I pushed my thoughts away and took a shower and did my morning routine, first brushing my teeth and covered my bruises.

After that I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed and started texting my best friend and the others on the group.

Alexis: Hey guys, can you guys get information about the Romano's please?🥲🥲

Alena 😜: Sure, so when are you leaving for Italy? I bet your very nervous 😂

Jaxson: should we also move locations?

Alexis: Yes, we can move locations, because  I'm  ganna miss you guys if you guys aren't here😭.

Just as I sent it the door opens and one of the police officers, who's name is Chiara, she is very nice. She told me to get ready because my dad is almost here.


I was wearing a black shirt and black leggings with a white blazer and black heels.

I was wearing a black shirt and black leggings with a white blazer and black heels

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I tied my hair up in a messy bun, I am so nervous about meeting them.

A couple minutes later the police officer, Chiara said they are here and they are very excited to see me. I walked out of the room with her, I saw three people in a full black suits, I looked at them. The two turned around and the other one was busy with papers.

I started fidgeting with my hands, as they ran up to me and hugged me. " we missed you so much,  sorellina ( baby sister)." Said one of them. I hugged him back, but I said nothing, I was too nervous to talk. I look over his shoulder, to see my real dad giving back the papers and standing up, making his way to me .

They were quite tall, they look taller than 6ft and I'm 5'6. My real dad hugged me and I felt safe, I don't think this is ganna be so bad after all. I'll mabey ask later why they were wearing suits.

"Are you ready to come home with us priciessa (princess)?" Asked my dad, I nodded my head and they smiled. As we walk out of the police station, I noticed people looked at us in fear, I pulled on my dad's blazer, he looked down at me, "why are all the people looking at us in fear?" I asked.

He looked up at the other two who I'm guessing is my brothers, I wonder how many brothers I have. He looked back down and said " well we are well known, because we own clubs, restaurants and other places." I nodded as we climbed in the car.

I never have been in a car before apart from car racing, because the people I called "family " or my kidnappers I could say never took me for car rides when I was little. I looked out the window till we entered the airport.

The nice police officer, Chiara,  told me that I'm going to live in Italy, it was good to know their language, in school I learned Italian, Spanish, French and Russian, so I understood what they where calling me baby sister and princess.

We stopped at a plane, which I guessed was their's, I noticed that there were a lot of people in suits as well. As we walked towards the plane, everyone bows their heads as a sign of respect.

I don't want them to know about me being a mafia leader, I got a message from Alex saying everything about the Romano's, I thanked him.

While we sat in the car they told me their names and we got to know each other. I sat down on the airplane/jet, the pilot later asked us to put our seatbelts on, which I was struggling a bit with, my brother  Antonio saw me struggling and helped me, I thanked him.

"Never been on a plane before?" Asked Marco. " Yeah" I said with an award smile. I kept my earphones with me, so I sat there putting in my earphones, I listened to the song punch drunk love by magic whatever (it is a real song) , the pilot said we are taking off and I closed my eyes trying to stay calm.

My dad sat next to me and noticed that I was a bit scared and held his hand out for me to hold, which I did.

When I didn't feel the plane shake anymore I opened my eyes and looked at the window to see that we were in the air.

"How long is this flight going to be, dad ? " I asked. "It is ganna be two hours and forty-three minutes princiessa (princess), you can take a nap if you want." Dad said.

I switched the song and it began playing, Fool &The Thief by THE HARA, and I started falling asleep.


How will Alexis react to the house that she will be living in?

Hoped you enjoyed the second Chapter!!

I'll post a new Chapter everyday!

Total words: 1071

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