Chapter 37

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___ Alexis's pov ___

"Dad, is there a room that we don't use that have white walls?" I asked dad. He thought about it for a bit and said what about that room in the library that I found. Oh yeah I completely forgot about that room. "Thanks" I said but before I can go. "What do you want to do to the walls?" Dad asked. "To paint something on it" I said smiling hoping that he will agree to it.

He nodded his head and said that I have to have something on the floor in case I got paint on the floor and that I should be careful. "I will be careful" I said before storming into the library to plan on what to paint on the wall. I am really good with flowers right now so I'll do something with flowers.

 I am really good with flowers right now so I'll do something with flowers

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Something like this. Art was my calm place, the place that calmed me when I had thousands of problems. And music also calmed me in a way, on Spotify my liked songs are standing at 3895.

(That is actually my liked songs on Spotify, it is really a lot and this Monday that number is going to go up)

I can't go a day without listing to songs. Anyway I got up and walked out of the library and up to my room, I got all my paint that I need, paint brushes etc. I got something to cover the floor so that no paint gets on the floor. When that was all done I took a pencil and sketched out the flowers. When that was done I started getting my paint ready, I got a maroon out, a red, dark green, white and a very light brown.

 When that was done I started getting my paint ready, I got a maroon out, a red, dark green, white and a very light brown

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I started with the green part first and than the red part second and then lastly the white mixed with the light brown. This took a while, getting everything to blend in.

___ Elijah's pov ___

Me and Jaxson got back from our friend's house and we all got called to the living room except Alexis by Angelo, we all sat on the couch while Angelo stood in front of us. All the guards are switching from day to night shifts. "There is a traitor in the house, I don't know who it is but it's one of the guards and they are giving information about Alexis to Carlo." Angelo said making everyone worried. "So what is going to be the plan on this?" Lorenzo asked. "We have to keep an eye on all the guards at all times for Alexis's safety." Angelo said making everyone bid their heads in agreement.

After that the night shift guards came in and took their places inside and outside the house. Dad and mom began to watch their stories on the tv, Marco, Lorenzo and Antonio where in the kitchen making dinner, their food is actually amazing.

Me and Jaxson when to the library to check on Alexis. When we got there we could see on the floor there was a tarp on the floor with dark red liquid, I looked at Jaxson and he's face is pale. We went to the door and sigh in relief. "Wow Alexis, this looks amazing!" I said out loud. "Thank you, I'm almost done with this!" She said smiling happily. She had just one flower to do and then she's done with her painting on the wall.

We knew her birthday is coming up and we planned on suprising her with an art room, we know how much she loves doing art. So in the room there is new paint, oil paint, a wooden thing to put up the canvases, anything an artist needs and the great part is that the walls are white so she can paint anything on it. Mom took a picture of the room, everyone is excited to suprise her with it, we know that she will like it and probably spend all day in there.

 Mom took a picture of the room, everyone is excited to suprise her with it, we know that she will like it and probably spend all day in there

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<The room>

We went out of the library so that she could finish the painting. At this point everyone is looking out for the traitor and no one is talking, it is just silent. Dinner was almost done and we all did our own thing and kept an eye on the guards.

Later on Alexis called everyone, she probably finished the painting. And we all went into the library and everyone was amazed by the painting. "Wow, this looks beautiful Alexis." Mom said in disbelief as she looked at the wall, Alexis had the biggest smile on her face. Mom took photos.

Dad then told Alexis to get the paint off and freshen up for dinner, she nodded and went to her room

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Dad then told Alexis to get the paint off and freshen up for dinner, she nodded and went to her room.

___ Aurora's pov ___

The painting of the flowers she did, looked beautiful. I had to take pictures. The art room for her birthday, she's going to love it. After that Marco and I got dinner set. Later everyone came and sat down at the dinner table and we began to eat. Everyone made conversations through out our dinner.

When dinner was done, Me and Ricardo went back to watch our stories and our kids went and did their own things.

___ Alexis's pov ___

After dinner I went to my room and did some work, by work I mean My mafia work. Hacking into people's systems, shipments, traitors and new recruits. I have to train them soon though.

When I got done with that it was two in the morning, I went out of my room and towards the kitchen to get a snack and a glass of cold water. Till someone went and grabbed me, stepping on the person's foot he let his grip loose, enough for me to throw him over my shoulder, knowing this will wake everyone up, there was a knife on the counter I took it pointing it directly at his throat and cutting him in the process. Tylor one of the security guards. Dad and Marco came down to see what is the loud noise about, they see me pointing the knife at him.


Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait for Chapter 37, tomorrow is Christmas, yay, but I'm not sure when the next chapter is going to be published tomorrow, because I'm working on a portrait drawing of me and my half sister for my half sister's Christmas present.

And I'm meeting my dad's mom and my dad for the first time soon and I'm terrified of that.

Anyway enough of my family problems

Here is Chapter 37!

Total words : 1100

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