Chapter 25

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Alexis's pov

What just happened? I stood there still processing what happened. He kissed me on the lips, I had this weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know what it was. I opened the door and went to my room. I opened my door, but saw all my friends waiting there, waiting for me to tell them everything that happened in that closet.

"So what happened?" Alena asked smiling and wiggling her eyebrows. " He kissed me" I mumbled. Alena, Sofia and Alessia freaked out and ran to me, they hug me and then my brothers burst through my door, probably because of them screaming in excitement. When I turned around, Enzo was smirking at me, he probably knows why they are screaming. "What is going on? Why are you people screaming?" Lorenzo said. "Don't worry, it isn't us getting murdered" I said to Lorenzo. "That's not funny, so what is going on?" Lorenzo said trying to figure out what is going on. " I'm not telling you otherwise you'll literally kill someone." I said knowing he will kill Enzo if he knew that he kissed me. "Fine then I'll find out myself" he said and then walked away so all my brothers except for Enzo. He stood there smiling at me, I know that if they find out we both are getting murdered.

Enzo's pov

Me and Alexis's brothers sat in the living room, playing games and all of a sudden we hear screaming coming from Alexis's room. We all jump up from the couch, dropping our controllers and ran towards her room, since she came back they have been so overprotective of her, if they can't find her they panic, afraid of losing her again. We ran till we got to her room and Marco burst through her door, they all looked at us confused. " What is going on? Why are you people screaming?" Lorenzo said. " Don't worry, it isn't us getting murdered " Alexis said with sarcasm. "That's not funny, so what is going on?" Lorenzo said trying to figure out what is going on. "I'm not telling you otherwise you'll literally kill someone." Alexis said. I know she is talking about me and I know they will literally murder me if they find out about me kissing her in the closet. "Fine then I'll find out myself" Lorenzo said walking away with all her brothers, except me I stood there smiling and admiring her. When I kissed her in the closet, I didn't even regret a second of it.

I eventually leave them alone when I noticed she is red like a tomato. I smirk knowing it is easy to make her blush.

Riccardo's pov

Me and my wife went on a date to a restaurant, my restaurant actually. We left at 8pm and drove to my restaurant but I noticed when everyone was in the swimming pool, Enzo taking Alexis somewhere looking concerned about something but I'll ask him later what happened and another thing I noticed is the way he acts around her, on of the guards informed me that he was leading her inside and into a small closet somewhere in the house.

Enzo and his family has always been friends with us so we see Enzo a lot here, hanging out with the boys, playing games and sleeping over. At the ball, when Alexis was there they danced on the dance floor while talking, i could see they both had a good time before she saw one of Carlo's friends.

We got to my restaurant and sat down at one of the booths there, we looked at the menu, thinking of what we wanted to order.

The waiter came and took our order, my wife got spaghetti with meatballs and I got authentic Italian gravy.

The waiter came and took our order, my wife got spaghetti with meatballs and I got authentic Italian gravy

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