Chapter 18

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Alexis's pov

"So are you going to say something now?" I said to Alessio. He hold his head down still in pain from the knife in his thigh. He started shaking his head from left to right, saying he isn't going to speak up. I went over to him and pulled the knife out of his thigh and started his annoying screams.

Marco's pov

I got to the warehouse and got out of my car and headed towards the entrance, everyone greeted me as I walk through the halls of the warehouse. I know that they have caught Alessio and is held in cell 43, dad was currently in there so I headed over there to see how things are going. I made it to the cell and the guard that stood there opened the door and walked in on Alexis holding a knife and Alessio's hand with his finger being chopped off.

What is she doing in here?

She dropped his hand and stabbed the knife in his thigh that was already full of stab wounds and came running to me." Hi Marco, what are you doing here?" She said excited. "Hi Alexis, what are you doing at the warehouse and in here?" I said confused about what she is doing here. "Getting information out of Alessio, but nothing so far apart from him getting stabbed in his thighs and him losing a finger." She said smiling up at me. She is not the innocent little sister I know. I nodded at her and changed my mind that she isn't innocent as we thought.

Alessio was sitting in the chair untied, but she probably knows he is to weak the stand up and escape. I went to dad who was sitting in the chair and observing what Alexis is doing if I could talk to him outside. He stood up and walked out of the door, letting Alexis continue torturing Alessio.

"Dad, what is she doing here and in there?" I said wanting answers. "She wanted to come with so I said sure because she is in the mafia as well, and when we got here Giovanni asked questions in Italian and French and she responded in both of that languages. She sat in the cell where I was sitting when you came in, after seeing her stab him and him losing a finger, I thought that she isn't the innocent daughter that I know. " Dad said, but as he finished that sentence we heard Alessio scream again, me and dad both turn our heads at the door and then back.

What is she doing to him? I asked myself as me and dad go back into the cell and sit on the chairs seeing what she was going to do next. After losing finger tips and nails being torn off he had enough. "Just stop, I'll tell you just stop!" Alessio screams. She pulled the last nail off of his fingers which causes him to yell again. "Finaly " is all Alexis says. Alessio had his head down due to the amount of pain he was in.

"The car chase, I shot you in the arm right? I wanted you dead because of what you did!" Alessio screams in Alexis's face, Alexis stared blankly at him. "What have I done to make you want me dead!" Alexis screams at his face while he sat there laughing. "You know what you did! You killed my best friend!" He continued to shout at her. " And who might that be ?" Alexis asked Alessio. Me and dad didn't know what was going on so we listened to what was going on. "Carlo." Alessio said. Alexis got more angry at him as he mentioned that name. "Oh him, I didn't kill him you idiot! He died because of drunk driving while I was at school, don't go and blame me, I already had enough of him blaming me for shit I haven't even done!" Alexis yelled in his face with anger while me and dad observed this situation.

"Oh bullshit, he never blamed anyone about shit!" He yelled. "You got that wrong, I had enough of him and that woman he was head over heels for, abusing me every single fucking day, throwing me around the room when I was a child, locking me in the basement for weeks, had to get rushed to the hospital for the amount of broken bones I had!" Alexis yelled at him in anger. Alessio began laughing. "You know, now I know why he said he wanted you dead!" Alessio continued laughing until there was a loud noise echoing through the room and silence filled the room.

We looked at Alexis holding her gun and covered with blood, breathing heavily in anger.  She puts her gun back and turns, but then looked at us."Oh, I forgot you guys were here" Alexis said looking at us. Her white t shirt, now covered in blood and her face also, she looked angry about what he said.

"Let's get you cleaned up" Dad said as she nods. We walked out and I told the guard that there is going to be needed a clean up in this cell, the guard nodded as he began calling people on his phone. Luckily there was a bathroom here so she could get cleaned up. She went in and closed the door as I stood there waiting till she was done. Dad said that he had a meeting and told me to make sure that she was okay. After a few minutes she  opened the door and stood by me. "Let's get you home, yeah?" I said not wanting her to be here anymore, wanting her to go home and rest because of the events today. Alexis nods and we began walking to my car, I opened the door for her and heard a thanks from her. I got in on my side and started the car.

I reversed out of the parking lot and drove away from the warehouse. She was quiet the hole time, staring out the window looking at the trees that passes by as we drove home. My brothers were home so I am going to tell them to keep an eye on her so that she doesn't go on a killing spree.

We got home and she climbed out right when I stopped, I quickly turned the car off and climbed out following her into the house. She went straight upstairs. My brothers were confused about why she is mad. I told them just to keep an eye on her. That's when we heard a loud noise coming from her room. Me Antonio and Angelo rushed to her room and burst through the door and dodged a pot that almost hit us. "Alexis,  calm down" Antonio said to her. She went and sat down on her bed and placed her hands over her face that was stained with tears. I went to her and sat beside her, comforting her as she cries in my arms. "What about we get you some icecream, yeah?" I said, she nods slowly still crying slightly. "I'll go get the icecream "Angelo said as he leaves the room.


Hello, here's Chapter 18. Hope you enjoyed today's Chapter :)

Total words : 1217

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