Chapter 12

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Alexis's pov

Walking to the principal's office I see Elijah at the door of the principal's office. I didn't even bother to knock, I just walked in with Elijah behind me. The principal told me to sit down, I didn't sit down and continued standing.

"I was told by Ms Jessica that you punched her on purpose, Ms Alexis's? She said. I could tell that she was the principal's favorite. "Well, she was calling me names so I had to." I said with no emotion on my face. I could see the fear in the principal's eyes as I glare at her.

Elijah stood next to me with his arms crossed. He knew that Jessica was lying to the principal to get me in trouble on my first day. "She was the one who was being a bitch, calling me names when she saw me sitting with my brothers in break." I said giving Jessica a death glare which makes her uncomfortable.

"There was no reason to break her nose, you are suspended for a week, Alexis." The principal said. I give her the middle finger while walking out of her office and my brother following behind me.

"She is a horrible principal." I said laughing. "Yeah, but dad isn't going to be happy when you get home." Elijah said. "I know, that's why I'm going to tell him everything." I said. Sinse I can do coding, I can hack in her devices and find out who her family is.

As the day went on, I slept in my classes since I knew everything already. It was so boring for the first day at school apart from break.

The last bell rang for the day, it is finally end of school. I packed my supplies in my bag and walked out of the classroom towards the school doors. I walk out of the doors of the school to Elijah's car.

Elijah and Jaxson came walking towards me, the took their time to get out of the school doors. We climbed in the car and started driving home. "When can I drive?" I asked. They screamed no and said that I wasn't going to drive any time late. I pout crossing my arms. Then I remembered that they don't know that I'm a street racer. Shit! I forgot I had a race tonight! It is really stupid of them to not tell you who you are against with.

We got to the gates and I saw Angelo outside waiting for us. "You are in big trouble, Alexis." Elijah said. Shit. Elijah parked the car and I opened the door and ran out of the car, past Angelo, but Angelo grabbed me before I could go any further. He pulled me off of my feet and threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back multiple times saying that he should put me down.

We entered the living room and see my dad angry as hell. Angelo threw me on the couch. " I'll get you back Angelo!" I Shouted at him. He laughed at me. I wasn't joking, wait till I get pink hair dye and put it in his shampoo!

I looked at dad. "Before you shout at me, I had a reason to break her nose." I said before he could say anything. "Then go ahead, I'm listening." Dad said glaring at me. "At break me, Elijah and Jaxson was sitting in the cafeteria talking, till she showed up and called me a whore while Elijah was trying to get her away, I had enough of her so I stood up and she went to punch me and I grabbed her wrist, you should have seen her face. She called me other names and I pushed her in the nose causing it to break." I said to my dad.

He started scolding me but also said that he is proud that  defended myself. "You are grounded for a week, without your phone." Dad said sending me to my room after I gave him my phone. But he didn't know that I had an extra one. My grandparents went shopping, leaving me behind.

It was now 3 pm and I was in my room preparing for the race that was at 10pm tonight. I was thinking of how I can sneak out of the house without anyone noticing. I was thinking of climbing out of my window. I looked out the window and seeing if there are any guards nearby.

Surprisingly there were no guards near. Great!

Dinner came quick, I went down to the dining room and sat down. We had Mac and cheese. YUM. I love Mac and cheese, it will always be my favorite. Dinner was always at seven thirty pm.

After dinner was over I went back to my room and getting everything ready for the race. I sat on my phone till 9pm to get ready. I did my hair in a high bun, did a bit light makeup. Luckily my bruises healed so I don't have to cover it up with make-up.

It was 9:30pm, I climbed out of my window and landed on the ground. I looked around for guards. There were no guards and I climbed over the fence. The racing area wasn't far from here so I ran.

Antonio's pov

I had a race tonight. After dinner I did a bit of work and then busy on my phone. When it was nine pm I got ready, took a shower and got in my race suit.

I got my keys . By now everyone was asleep. I got outside and climbed in my car, I started it and drove up to the gate. I rolled down my window. "I thought you said you are going to stop going racing?" The guard said. "This is the last time" I said scratching the back of my neck. He nodded his head and opened the gate.

I drove out, the race area wasn't very far from the house. When I got there, me and my opponent got in our cars. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have the best racer, Crimson! And her opponent Antonio Romano!" The guy said making everyone cheer. I didn't bother picking a race name like my opponent.

Alexis's pov

After the guy announced his name I was shocked, what is he doing here! We were already in our cars at that time. I wasn't going to let my own brother win this. We waited for the countdown. When the light turned green I was already ahead of him. He speeds up a bit.

I drifted around the corner focused on what was in front of me. I saw my brother going around the corner and drove behind me. He went to my right but I switched to my right, trying to piss him off.

I passed the finish line going for the second round. I had one more round to go and winning against my brother. He stayed behind me the whole time. I was speeding up leaving him behind. I drifted around every corner.  Drifting around the last corner, I saw the finish line. Speeding passed it. Last round!

He speeds up, and going past me. I speed up more and eventually passing him again. I drifted the last corner again. I see the finish line and speeding passed the finishing line, Winning! The people cheered as I drove passed the finish line. The guy screamed in the mic, announcing the winner. My brother passed the finish line after I won.

We got out of the car. My brother came up to me and held his hand out for me to shake it. "Good race" my brother said as I shook his hand. 

After that we went home. I ran home as fast as I could. When i got home I looked for guards again. I saw no guards and jumped other the fence and climbed up to my room.

I got into my room and took a shower. I can't believe I won against my brother.

Hello, Hope you enjoyed today's Chapter!

Total words:1358

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