Chapter 3

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Alexis's pov

I feel someone shaking me, "Princiessa, we are here in Italy, wake up." I hear my dad say. I slowly begin to open my eyes, I was still tired because I didn't sleep much last night, overthinking about my real family.

We climbed off of the plane and headed towards the car which was a McLaren 720S

We climbed off of the plane and headed towards the car which was a McLaren 720S

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I always loved cars, I have many favorites and this one was one of them.

One of my brothers, Antonio,  opened the door for me. "Thank you " I said with a smile. "No problem, sorellina" (baby sister) Antonio said smiling wide. We started driving, I was excited. "How many brothers do I have, dad?" I asked. I was always a curious person. "You have six brothers, princiessa." My dad said. SIX BROTHERS! "Do I have any sisters?" I asked. I hope I do because a house full of brothers may or may not be fun, but I do like to pull pranks so it will be fun. "No priciessa, you only have brothers." Dad said.

About an hour me and my three brothers and dad are talking to each other, when I looked out the car window, we pulled up to a huge gate.

About an hour me and my three brothers and dad are talking to each other, when I looked out the car window, we pulled up to a huge gate

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I saw guards standing at the gate with guns. I knew that they are the Italian mafia, because I read through the information that Alex send me in the car. I was getting more and more nervous as we pulled up to the house, which I can call my home now.

I never called that hellhole of a house a home when I live with my kidnappers who pretended to be my parents.  It never felt like home. I used to make breakfast in the morning for them and I always burned the eggs but that was when I was 10.

The house was beautiful, I was speechless when we arrived at the front of the house. There are guards standing everywhere, I'm going to plan how to sneak out of the house. I have a race coming up at the end of the month so it is ganna be a lot of planning.

Marco's pov

We climbed out of the car in front of the house. I noticed when we were at the gate, she was looking at the guards standing there. I have to ask dad if we should tell her about the mafia thing.

She looked at the house, amazed by it. I smiled, I remember when I was fifteen years old when I was  playing tag with her and the next thing there was gunshots everywhere, i was looking for her because she ran and hid somewhere.

When the gunshots stopped, we couldn't find her. I missed playing tag with her, dad missed her the most. He was in his office the hole day and night. Mom was broken, she didn't eat, I heard her crying in her room at night, at that time my room was next to theirs and she never came out of her room.

After dad got the call saying that they found her, he ran up the stairs to tell mom, she couldn't believe it and she finally came out of her room. She said she wanted to stay at home so she could meet her there so there is ganna be lots of tears when we walk in.

We walked in and everyone was waiting there, Alexis was standing behind dad. We all noticed that she was very nervous. Mom was the first running up to us wanting to she her daughter again.

She already had tears in her eyes as she was standing there.

Lorenzo had a blank face, but you can see the happiness in his eyes. Elijah and Jaxson was very excited to meet her, they couldn't sit still.

Aurora's pov (the mom)

I couldn't believe it when Riccardo said they found her, I was speechless. He said that she was in London at the police station and that he is going to pick her up. He asked me if I wanted to fly there but i said I wanted to meet her when she was here, at home.

Ever since she went missing, I was broken and sad that I never left my room, Riccardo was always in his office trying to look for her.

They flew at 12pm and they came back at 5pm, when we heard the door open and close, we knew they were back. She was standing behind Riccardo, I could see that she was nervous. Riccardo said to her that it was okay and she poked her head out to look at everyone.

She grew so much, but the thing I was worried the most was what happened when she was taken away from us.

She stepped away from Riccardo and I ran up to her and hugged her, knowing that she is safe again. I was crying at the moment, Happy to see her again.

Alexis's pov

We walked in the front door and there was a massive staircase with a massive chandelier and a sun roof above it.

We walked in the front door and there was a massive staircase with a massive chandelier and a sun roof above it

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I was amazed as we walked to the living room, I hid behind dad and Marco stood next to me. Dad looked down at me and said "It is okay, you are safe, those are your other three brothers and your mom." I pecked my head out to look at them and see that my mom is in tears and my other three brothers.

One of my three brothers that stood there, was staring at me with a blank face while the other two was so excited that they couldn't sit still. My mom ran up to me and hugged me while crying. I hugged her back while holding my tears back trying to stay strong.

We stayed hugging for a couple minutes before she stood back up and wiped her tears. My three other brothers came up to me after fighting on who gets to hug me first, my brother who's name was Elijah hugged me tightly and started crying as well.

This isn't going to be so bad as I thought after all.

Hello, hope you enjoyed Chapter 3, school began today so sorry this was a bit late😅😅

Turns out Alexis doesn't think it's going to be that bad after all.

Total words: 1051

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