Chapter 4

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Alexis's pov

I was getting comfortable with my family, it was now 7:30pm which is the time for dinner. We sat at the huge dining table.

As the maids places down the plates full of food, I thought of how I'm going to finish this, because my kidnappers made a punishment whenever I did something wrong, they didn't give me anything to eat for a week and now I can't eat a hole plate of...

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As the maids places down the plates full of food, I thought of how I'm going to finish this, because my kidnappers made a punishment whenever I did something wrong, they didn't give me anything to eat for a week and now I can't eat a hole plate of food anymore.

I'm so used to not eating, that I don't feel hungry anymore. Sometimes they would abuse me in the basement, I snuck out to go racing and won almost every match.

Yet no one knew who I actually was, no one knew I was a missing person.

I was interrupted by my dad who asked if I'm okay because I am just staring at my plate for 10 minutes. I immediately said that I was okay and started eating.

I finished half of my plate and was already full. I noticed my brother, Elijah, who was sitting next to me, looking at me. I looked at him and he said "Are you full already, if you don't want anymore you can give it to me if you want. I nodded my head.

After dinner my brother Antonio gave me a tour of the house and the last stop was my bedroom. He open the door to my bedroom and I was amazed by how it looks. The walls were a gray color with a massive bed between the wall with huge windows to my left.

 The walls were a gray color with a massive bed between the wall with huge windows to my left

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My brother said that he'll let me explore my room and closed the door. I walked to a door and opened it to see a nice big bathroom with purple led lights on the ceiling.

 I walked to a door and opened it to see a nice big bathroom with purple led lights on the ceiling

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I loved it, purple has always been my favorite color. After looking around the bathroom I walked out and opened the other door, which was a walk in closet. It matched my room perfectly.

It was beautiful, I walked to the couch and saw a remote with different colors on it, I pressed purple of course, the lights changed to a dark purple which it will be staying as that color

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It was beautiful, I walked to the couch and saw a remote with different colors on it, I pressed purple of course, the lights changed to a dark purple which it will be staying as that color. I walked out and jumped on the bed and it was so comfy that I didn't want to stand up ever.

I got up from the bed to get my sketchbook, I always loved drawing tho so I wanted to get art supplies because mine ran out. I did drawing in my free time, most of the time I practiced shooting a gun, trained and did work.

But I don't know when I'm ganna tell my family that I am in the mafia. But I know they have a gym here, I always went to the gym at 5 in the morning till 6am.

It was now 10pm and I decided to go to sleep, I immediately went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


The next day

My phone went off, as I get up to get ready. It was 4:45 am and got comfortable clothes to go to the gym, I took a shower, washed my hair. After I was done I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth afterwards, I applied waterproof make-up on my bruises.

I walked downstairs and completely forgot where I was going. I finally found the gym after a couple of minutes. It was now 5:02 am. I warmed up and started with the punching bag, doing push ups and the rest of my morning gym routine.

When I finished, I walked out of the gym back to my room and took a hot shower, relaxing my muscles. I got out, and got a pair of ripped jeans with a long black sleeve shirt.

I asked the maids if I could get pancakes, which they started making.

Breakfast was at 6:30 am so everyone stared coming down for breakfast, Marco was the first to come down for breakfast then the rest of the family came down, we all sat at the dining table and ate our breakfast.

I am planning on heading to the library, I loved reading as well. Everyone separated after breakfast. I went straight to the library.

The library was huge with thousands of books everywhere.

I grabbed books and started stacking them on top of each other, when I thought I had enough books, I sat down on the couch and started reading the first book

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I grabbed books and started stacking them on top of each other, when I thought I had enough books, I sat down on the couch and started reading the first book .

I was there for the hole day.


Hello, hope you enjoyed Chapter 4, sorry this one is so short.😅😅

Total words: 785

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