chapter 22

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Alexis's pov

I loved horror movies, but sometimes I don't expect the jump scare and all you see is popcorn flying everywhere. Jaxson got scared the most, when they showed the lady that was hanging outside, I got hit in the face with a hole box of popcorn. I picked up his box with no popcorn inside, I threw it back at him. The hole living room is full of popcorn and I feel sorry for the maids tomorrow but I'll help out. The paranormal has also been my favorite since I was a kid, I couldn't wait till the YouTubers uploaded a new video, then I started watching horror movies.

When the movie finishes I wanted to watch Annabelle. " next one is Annabelle!" I said in a loud voice. "I'm going to bed before a creepy haunted doll shows up" Jaxson said. " maybe the doll is waiting for you in your bedroom." I said scaring him. " then I'll throw it out the window." Jaxson said going upstairs. " It might come back after you throw it out the window!" I yelled at him because he was upstairs going to his bedroom. Now I know what to prank him with.

Everyone was tired so they said their good nights and went to bed, except me. But I wasn't going to watch Annabelle now because I sat on the couch and went online to see if I can get a creepy doll. He is probably not going to sleep after this. I knew someone that makes replicas of the props in movies, I'm ganna ask him if he can replicate Annabelle for me. But more creepy.

I messaged him, asking if he can do a replica of the Annabelle doll, I know it is a but harsh to prank my brothers but I love drama, without it it is boring in here. It's now 1 in the morning and by now everyone is sleeping. Or so I thought. Angelo came down the stairs and didn't notice me at all, he went to the front door and I followed him, the lights were off so he couldn't see me following him. He was about to open the front door when I spoke. "Where are you going?" I said which scared the shit out of him. "Don't do that, you are going to give me a heart attack and I'm too young to die" he said in a dramatic tone. " You didn't answer my question, where are you going?" I said again. " if you promise not to tell anyone, I'll bring you with me." He said in a serious tone. Now I'm curious, I nodded my head and said promise. "I'm going to my first street race" Angelo said, if he is going to a street race why don't I know about it? I said to myself confused.

But I got excited so I rushed him out the front door without making noise. He had a car key, but I grabbed it and unlocked the car jumped into the drivers seat and started the car, he got into the passenger seat and I backed out of the garage, I looked at him and he was already holding on for his life. I don't drive that fast so that my brothers are holding on for their lives, right? Although I'm a street racer but they don't have to know that.

"So where is the street race?" I asked Angelo, he got out his phone and gave me it and it had the location on it so i followed the blue line and we got there a few minutes early. We climbed out of the car and I saw a familiar face in the crowd. I think he noticed me staring at him and looked my way but I turned away from staring at him, till he decided to come my way.

"Nice to see you here Alexis." He said till my brother interrupted. " You two know each other?" Angelo asked looking at the both of us. "Yeah we met at the ball." Enzo said. " So which one of you two are racing?" Enzo asked looking between me and my brother. " I am but she is good at it." My brother said pointing at me. " Oh really, so you both are signing up for this race?" Enzo said smirking towards me. "Yes" " No" me and my brother said at the same time. " I'm definitely racing." I said to Angelo and walked off to where you sign in for the race.

Angelo's pov

There is no way she is going to race, I know she is dangerous while driving but she is good. She went to the table where you sign up before I could say anything else. When I got there she was already signed in, so I signed in after her.

But when Enzo came up to us I noticed something about the way he was acting around Alexis. I knew he has a crush on her by the way he is looking at my baby sister. I don't know if the others know about this but I know they won't be happy when they find out, but it isn't really their choice to say who she can date or not, it is just about if he treats her right. If he does anything to her, he will be dealing with me and my brothers.

The race was going to start in 2 minutes so we headed to our cars and climbed in and got ready.  A lady with a flag walked and stood between the cars. When she waved the flag, Alexis was already gone. I hit the gas pedal and I drove off, drifting around every corner, we had 4 laps till the finish line. I heard a man yell into the microphone that a driver named Crimson was in first place, I am currently in 4th place and Enzo was in 2nd place, we are already on our second lap. I drove by the guy that was in 3rd place which makes me now in 3rd place. We went over the finish line and began the 3rd lap, seeing every car drift around the corners. I speed by Enzo which he held up his middle finger at me, which I returned. I'm now in 2nd place, right behind Crimson. We passed the finish line beginning the last lap, I speed up but I can't get passed, I tried going left and right but they are blocking my way. We drifted around the last corner and the finish line came into view.

And we passed the finish line. " This was an amazing race! With Crimson at first place and Angelo at second place and in third place Enzo !!" The guy screamed through the microphone. The people started cheering as the guy announced who won. We climbed out of our cars and then I realized Alexis was Crimson. "Good job Angelo!" Alexis came running to me and hugged me. " You did amazing as well." I said to her, but someone cleaned their throat and we looked who it was.

We are in big trouble

"What are you two doing here!" Antonio yelled at the both of us. "Having fun." Alexis said with no hesitation. "Oh, so you are Crimson? Who I was against at the last race?" Antonio said waiting for an answer from Alexis. Is she a street racer, I guess that explains why she was so excited to come with. "Okay fine, I was who you were against with and yes I do street racing." Alexis said to Antonio. Enzo came walking up to us. "Hey congrats on winning first place Alexis " Enzo said giving her a hug. "We are going home and then you two can start explaining what you are doing here." Antonio said but Alexis had other plans, they announced that they are dealing the prices out and that the first, second and third place should come up and collect it. We looked at Antonio and he said in a stern tone  " go get it but then we are going home." We went and got it and the crowd cheers as we went up to collect our prices. After that we head back to Antonio. "We drove here so see you at home!" Alexis said to Antonio and we both hopped in  the car. "We are in so much trouble when we get home." I said stressing about what will happen. "Yeah we are." Alexis said back and we both started laughing. That soon ended when we got home.

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