Chapter 9

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Alexis's pov

I layed in my bed and thought about this morning. I stood up and walked out of my room and down the stairs. I made my way to the kitchen craving for something. As I looked around I finally found some oreo's, I turned around to see Antonio walk in as we both looked at each other.

"Shouldn't you be resting, Alexis?" Antonio asked me. "I am just getting something, then I'll go straight to bed." I sad to Antonio smiling. "Also can my friends/mafia members come here later?" I asked. He turned his head and said to ask dad.

I walked to dad's office as I went to knock. I heard a "come in" and I opened the door and walked in. "What are you doing, you should be in bed resting, Alexis." Dad tells me. "I know dad, I wanted to ask you a question." I said. "What is your question, princiessa?" Dad asked. "Can my friends/mafia members come over later?" I asked. "As long as they don't cause trouble, then yes they can." Dad said.

"I'll make sure they don't, thanks dad." I said with a big smile on my face. I went over to my dad to see what he was doing and he was trying to decode something on his laptop, his phone rang as he stood up and talked outside the door.

I took the opportunity to decode it. I was almost finished as the door opened and dad looking straight at me. "Done" I said finishing to decode it. Dad came to me and looked what I did. "How did you do that in 3 minutes, you are faster than anyone in this house."He said surprised by how fast I descoded it. "I practiced it in school, in computer class." I said with a smile. "Wow, oh yeah, we are going to the mall and get you school supplies because you are going to start school on Monday with your brothers."

I nodded. "Now go get some rest, princiessa." Dad said. "Okay, dad." I said happy. I walked out of my dad's office as I headed towards my room.

Riccardo's pov

I was in my office when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said expecting one of the boys to come in. The door opened as I see Alexis coming in. "What are you doing, you should be in bed resting, Alexis." I said to her. "I know, but I wanted to ask you a question, dad." She asked. "What is your question, princiessa?" I asked her. "Can my friends/mafia members come here later?" She asked.

"If they don't cause trouble, then yes they can." I said with a serious voice. "I'll make sure they don't, thanks dad." Alexis said with a big smile on her face. She came to me and looked at what I was doing, I have been struggling with decoding this for the past hour. My phone started ringing and I picked it up, walking to the door and walked out.

It was my dad who called asking me when they can come see princiessa. I said that they can come visit on Friday. They sounded very excited to meet her. I said my goodbyes as I hang up, me and my mom and dad talked over the phone for 3 minutes.

I open the door to my office and see Alexis busy on my laptop, I stare at her as she looks up and back down to my laptop. "Done" Alexis said with a proud face. I walked to her and see that she descoded it. I was in pure shock. How did she do that in 3 minutes! I asked her how she did it in 3 minutes. "I practiced at school, in computer class."Alexis said proudly.

"Wow, oh yeah we are going to the mall and get you some school supplies because you are going to start school on Monday with your brothers." I said as she nodded. "Now get some rest, princiessa." I said. She can't be up so much, she needs rest. "Okay, dad." She said in a happy tone. She turned and walked out and closed the door.

I continued with my work, I was grateful that she descoded it because I would have sat here still doing it. I was still surprised by how fast she did it. Angelo always took an hour or so and she just did it in 3 minutes.

I called in the boys and they were here less than a minute. When all of then were here I said, " I called you all here to say that a couple of minutes ago, Alexis was in my office and I was out of the room for three minutes and as I came back, she was busy descoding what I was busy with, she did it all in three minutes." I said to them. Angelo looked like he lost, he looked defeated.

The other boys laughed at him and I went on. "Also you guys are ganna go shopping with her and get school supplies, on Monday she is ganna start school with Jaxson and Elijah, I suspect you two to protect her, if someone tries anything do something or get her away from them." I said with a very serious tone.

They all said yes as I dismissed them. I continued with my work again till I don't know what time. I looked at my watch to see that it was four in the morning.

Angelo's pov

How did she do it so fast. I felt defeated, I always took an hour or so to decode it but she did it in three minutes! When dad dismissed us we saw people walking in and we didn't know who they were. We prepared to fire if they tried anything. Alexis came down the stairs as one of them goes to her and hugged her. "Oh guys this is my friends." Alexis said. "Oh okay" Marco said glaring at the boy who also stood there a bit nervous by Marco's glare.

Alexis's pov

I was excited to see my friends again it has been to long since I last saw them. Alena texted me that they are here, I think dad told the guards that they are ganna come here.

I ran down the stairs and see my brothers standing there with their hands on their guns, I introduced them to my brothers as Marco glares at Alex, Alex looked nervous by my brother's glare.

I said that we can go up to my room and they all nodded. I lead the way with my friends following behind me.  I opened my door as all of them were amazed by my room.

We chatted until it was time for Alex to go home. Alena said she wanted to have a sleepover so that we can gossip about stuff. I told her about my family that knows I'm in the mafia but not about the street fighting or me being a racer.

I told her that I got shot a week ago and she being the overprotective best friend she asked me a lot of questions, like if I was okay and everything. We decided to watch a movie but first getting snacks. We watched the movie, The conjuring, I was getting scared the hole time and jumping with all the jumpscares, grabbing on to alena while she sat there unfazed by the movie.

It was nice spending time with my friends again.


Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed Chapter 9.

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