chapter 5

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Alexis's pov

I got a lot of books from the library and stacked it on top of each other and picked up the books.

I was about to leave the library when the door slammed open and I see my brother in panic but when he looked at me, his face relaxed.

I was confused of why he was panicking. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm okay, we were looking for you because you just disappeared and we checked the whole house." Angelo said out of breath. " okay, sorry I'll tell you next time" i said still holding the books in my hands.

We both walk out of the library and went to the living room were everyone is panicking. "I found her, she was in the library." Angelo said. Everyone turned around and saw me holding books in my hand.

Everybody relaxed as they see me standing there. Elijah and Jaxson was very dramatic, placing their hand on their chest.

As we where standing there I placed the books on the floor and Lorenzo looked at me. " why are you up so early at 5 in the morning?" I looked at him and said " because that is the time I go to the gym, how did you know I was up?"

" you walked right past me, when I saw you go into the gym, I went to go look, but damn you can throw a punch." Lorenzo said. I scratched my head, embarrassed. Marco, Antonio, Angelo, and Elijah was surprised by what Lorenzo said. "I bet you can't beat me" said Jaxson, starting a challenge. I looked at him smirking. "Then let's see who wins." I said because I know I can beat him, he just doesn't know that I can.

Dad looked proud at me, as me and Jaxson heads to the gym with the others following us.

We got into the ring and got ready, the others looked at us while we get ready

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We got into the ring and got ready, the others looked at us while we get ready.

We looked at each other in the eyes. " I'm ganna go easy on you" He said. "Well then you're ganna end up on the floor." I said smirking at him. "Fine then, I won't go easy then." He said.

He went to punch me first but I dodged it and hit him in the stomach. He took a few steps back and looked at me surprised. He went and tried again but failed and getting hit in the jaw by me.

I looked at the others, they where standing there watching Jaxson get beat up by a girl. I saw him went to punch me but I was to late, getting hit in the stomach, I kicked his legs out under him, which he ends up falling to the ground.

He went to get up but I went and sat on him laughing. "Told you I was ganna win." I said laughing. I got off of him and he looked very upset.
Dad looked proud, mom looked concerned, probably because I got a hard punch to the stomach. My brothers where laughing their ass off at him.

Elijah came to us still laughing at Jaxson. "Alexis beated you!" He said out loud while trying to catch his breath. " that was because I went easy on her!" Jaxson said upset. " I told you that you were going to end up on the floor." I said still laughing.

He crossed his arms while dad came up to us.

Jaxson's pov

I can't believe she beat me! I hit her in her stomach and she took it like it was nothing! Everyone began laughing when she beated me. When she told me that I was ganna end up on the floor I thought she was joking.

I crossed my arms as dad came up to us proud that she beated me. I was upset. We walked out of the gym while my brothers were talking of how I got beated by a girl.

I saw that Marco's phone began ringing and he went to pick it up. He hangs up and said that we got company, I looked at Alexis and she looked like she knew what was going on. Does she know that we are part of the mafia?

Mom knew what was going on and she looked scared. Dad said to mom and Alexis to go to the room that is hidden but Alexis doesn't move a muscle, dad looked at her and told her that she must go and that he isn't joking but she still doesn't move.

The next thing that happens is gunshots flying everywhere.

Alexis's pov

Marco's phone rang as he went to pick it up. He went to dad after he hung up and told dad that the Spanish mafia is here.


Dad said that we got company and I knew what that meant. Dad told mom and me to go to a room but I didn't move because I have unfinished business with the Spanish mafia. "Alexis go to the room with mom, I'm not joking about this" Dad said but I still didn't move.

The next thing I saw gunshots flying everywhere and the door flying open as men in black suits came running in. I always had my gun on me as I went to grab it, shooting one of the men coming after me, dad and my brothers looked shocked as I shot the man between the eyes and falling to the floor.

My dad and brothers started shooting at them as well. " we got her, she's here !" One of the men shouted. As dad and my brothers looked at me.

I knew they were here for me. As they came running in I began shooting them as dad and my brothers shoot them as well. I went to punch two of them, hitting them both in the jaw and kicking their legs out under them, ending up unconscious on the floor.

We continued shooting everyone of them until the stopped coming in the door. The guards came in and said that it was all of them. " care to explain what is going on Alexis?"Dad said.

Shit, shit, shit

Mom came running down the stairs and sees me with a gun in my hand.

Riccardo's pov

Alexis's didn't move when I told her to go to the room that was hidden. The gunshots began flying everywhere as the door flies open, men came running in as one came straight to Alexis, I was about to shoot him when Alexis grabbed a gun from her pocket and shot him between his eyes.

Why the hell does she have a gun! More came in running as me and the boys looks shocked and begin to shoot them. Two came up to her as the were about to punch her in the stomach, but she punches them in the jaw and kicked their feet out under them.

We continued shooting them until they stopped coming in. The guards came in saying that it was all of them.

As Aurora came running down the stairs she saw Alexis with a gun in her hands. " Care to explain what is going on Alexis?" I asked her.


Hello hope you enjoyed Chapter 5
This one is longer that the previous chapter

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