Chapter 32

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Alexis's pov

Luckily I had my gun here so I opened the bathroom door. Time to kick asses again. When I opened the door I was met with a bullet flying past me. I saw the person who sent a bullet my way, I lifted my gun and pulled the trigger, he moved out of the way before it hit him. Damn it. More people came and circled around me. Two doors down to my right was my class. But my brothers are in there why haven't he gotten out of class. Oh yeah lockdown, how lovely.

I punched one of the men in the face who came closer to me, more came closer and I punched them too and shot some of them. The kids in the classrooms started looking out the window that was on the door and looked scared as the watched me take on every person. I could hear the teacher yelling at them to get away from the doors and they didn't listen to the teacher. Later on everyone got away from the doors and I was still fighting. I had a bit of scratches and cuts but nothing I couldn't handle. I shot 3 men and there were 2 men left I shot one of them in the head and pointed my gun at the other man, almost done or so I thought.

As I fight the two men I got hit in the back of the head, I don't know what it was but it sounded like a metal pipe. I started seeing black dots appear. No no no, get up get up. I started to get up but very slowly. Till I got hit again but this time I was knocked out. Fuck, no, who are these people and what do they want from me. The last thing I saw was one of Carlo's men. Oh no, no, this is going to be bad.

Elijah pov

Alexis still didn't come back, I was starting to get worried. Gunshots full the halls and everyone rush to the door to look through the window in the door. I was there first so I could see. There I stand watching my little sister with her gun shooting and punching the men. She was almost done with shooting them till one man came behind her, I guess she didn't hear him, but when he lifted the metal pipe, I was furious. I started banging on the door and the teacher told us to step away from the door.

Then I saw the metal pipe hit her in the head and she fell to the ground, after a few seconds she started to get up but slowly and he hit her again, that is when I got my gun and shot the door handle off so I could save my little sister. I told Jackson to call dad and he went straight to it. I opened the door and ran as fast as I could, when I saw them with Alexis over their shoulder I pointed my gun to one of the men and pulled the trigger, hitting him straight in the back of the head.

The other man who had my little sister, turned around and looked at me. I had my gun pointed at him, I shifted my glaze over to Alexis, she had cuts and scratches all over her arm and some cuts were deep, so blood was dripping down her arm and then I looked back at him, I was so furious that I could go on a killing spree. Jackson came out of the classroom and stood beside me, I had to be carefull so I pointed my gun so the bullet would hit him in the forehead, then pulled the trigger. Bullseye. He started falling to the ground and I ran to Alexis before she hits her head more.

She's safe, dad came running in and seeing me hold Alexis in my arms, the look on his face screamed fear, the fear of his daughter being dead but that is what he thought, she is alive but unconscious. "She is alive, don't worry dad, she has cuts that are a bit deep, scratches and hit in the back of the head with a metal pipe but she'll be okay." I said trying to calm him down. Dad calmed a bit knowing that she is alive, but still worried about the cuts and scratches and hit in the head part.

Dad picked her up from the ground bridal style and dad walked out to sit her in the car, while me and Jaxon got her bag and everything as fast as we could. School was over and the teachers escorted the kids out the emergency door, because what kid wants to see blood and dead body's on the ground? When we got in the car, dad put Alexis in the backseat next to me and Jackson climbed in the passenger seat. Dad started the car and speed out of the gates. Dad was in a rush to get to our private hospital, because every time someone ahead of him that's driving slow, he cusses at them, we are all used to him shouting cuss words when he is mad or something.

We began to see our private hospital come into view, finally. Alexis was bleeding pretty bad, but when I touched her head my hand was full of blood. "Uh dad" I said going into more panic. "Yes?" Dad asked. "Alexis's head is bleeding pretty bad." I said and dad parked in the parking lot. He opened his door and got out going to Alexis's door. He opened it and checked her head. "Let's get her in there so they can help her" Dad said picking her up. Me and Jaxon got out of the car and followed dad inside.

Once the nurses and doctors saw us they rushed towards us and put her on a stretcher. We followed the doctors till they went through the door where we aren't allowed to go into so we just had to sit and wait.


Hi everyone here is Chapter 32!

Total words: 1030

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