Chapter 26

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Alexis's pov

"What happened?" Dad looks at me and my brothers. The looks at Lorenzo and says "And what happened to you?" My other brothers looks at him and laughed. "Alexis threw flour at me" Lorenzo said to dad. "You started it" I said looking at him with a grumpy face. "Okay, so tell me about a few minutes ago." Dad said with mom standing behind him.

"I said goodbye to Enzo and my friends. When they were out the gate, I went inside to the kitchen and got thrown with flour in my face, I took a hand full and threw it at him, then a bullet went through the window and I looked at Lorenzo and he looked at me knowing what is happening. That is the first time I didn't have my gun with me. A guy then ran inside, I don't know where the guards were, I grabbed a big knife, he told me to put the knife down or he'll shoot, I didn't and he completely missed me. I threw the knife where it didn't shine, purposely missing him and he ran towards me, I jumped over the kitchen counter with my brothers pointing their guns at him. I went to trip him and he grabbed my arm and pulled his arm around my throat, and that was when you came in, dad." I said. "Well all that matters is that everyone is okay." Dad said and mom agreed with him.

"So can I come with when you go to him and get info about why he broke in and how he did it?" I asked. Dad nodded his head yes, while my brothers shook their heads no. Dad said yes so I'm going. We all chilled on the couch, watching TV or playing card games. It is almost holiday and I couldn't wait. Just a month and a few days then it's holiday. I yawned and stood up stretching. "I'm ganna go to bed, goodnight." I said heading upstairs. I hear 'goodnight' and 'sleep well'. I head towards my room and once I got there I opened my door and close it. I jump on my bed, laying down and stare at my ceiling. My thoughts go to the guy that broke in, what did he want and why was he only pointing it at me?

Thoughts running through my head about what he wanted from me. What I have noticed is that only I get targeted, at the ball I noticed that a few mafia people looked at me with hate and some looked at me with smirks on their faces. If they knew that I was black heart, they would have been shocked that I was only 16 leading the most powerful mafia in the world and be The Missing Mafia Princess of the second most powerful mafia in the world. Everyone feared my mafia, I remember everytime I was in a bad mood or mad, I would go on a killing spree, but I never killed innocent people, I would never go and kill an innocent child or adult. One that i hate the most and my most killings are creepy men that harass woman. I would kill them in a slow and painful way till they start begging me to stop and that they won't do it again but I know that they lie about 'not doing it again'.

My last killing spree was last year in August so it was a while ago. At my old school, no one knew about me doing that, I was known as the quiet kid, not speaking a single word, I only talked to my friends. One time someone started bullying me and that didn't end up well for him. After that he didn't even look in my way, so scared he was. I started street fighting when I was fifteen and the guys refused to fight a fifteen year old, so I showed them that a fifteen year old girl can kick ass.

I stopped thinking after realizing how tired I am. I climbed under the covers and found a comfortable sleeping position. And then I drifted off to dreamland.

Riccardo's pov

After Alexis said what happened I realized people are after her, I decided to get more guards but inside incase something like that happens again. I also thought about getting her bodyguards that go with her if she goes out, I know that she is leading a mafia but I'm so afraid of losing her again. I don't want to see Aurora and the boys is that state ever again. I want to protect her with my whole life, I don't want her to get hurt. Yet I noticed that she is used to getting hurt, she doesn't even react to it.

Like when she got shot, she looked like she was okay like nothing is wrong but acting normally while bleeding. We all noticed that. She doesn't react to pain at all. I'm upset because she went though hell while we were looking for her. But one thing that is making me feel better is that she is eating, the day she got home she couldn't finish her plate but she has improved from the day she first got here.

Everyone went to their rooms after saying goodnight. They have school tomorrow so I not going to be busy tomorrow apart from work that I have to do.  Me and Aurora decided that it would be a great surprise if they come home to a new family member, we decided on getting a dog.

We don't know which one yet but we will see when we get there. Mabey going to get a Doberman, we know Alexis is ganna like it because she, Jaxson and Elijah love animals. So it is ganna be a big surprise to all of them.

It was now 10:50pm and everyone is now sleeping except me. I get up and go downstairs to the kitchen to make a coffee or something and decided to do a bit of work till I feel tired.

Hey everyone, here is Chapter 26!

There is now a schedule on when I'm publishing new chapters. Incase you didn't know about it, I'll be publishing new chapters on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays!

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