Chapter 11

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I woke up and got ready to go to the gym. I walked down the stairs and went to the gym, I did leg day which I knew it would be sore later. After that I went to take a shower.

After my shower I dried myself and got into new, clean clothes. It was time for breakfast and went down to the dining room where I saw everyone already. I sat down and poured chocolate cereal into my bowl. "Are you excited for your first day of school, Alexis?" Grandma said looking at me taking a bite out of my cereal.

"I guess." I said because who is excited for school. I hate Mondays, I always hated Mondays. After breakfast I went up to my room and got ready for school. After I was done finishing getting ready I went downstairs and saw my brothers waiting for me. "Finaly, you took forever." Jaxson wined. I rolled my eyes at his child-ish behavior.

Lorenzo is going to take us to school, I was a bit nervous about starting school. We drove out of the gates and started the day, I wish I was still in bed sleeping. Elijah was blasting his music and I covered my ears giggling because he was singing along with the song.

But that didn't last long when we pulled up to the school gates. Lorenzo parked in the parking lot and me and my brothers getting out. Everyone looked at us, but they weren't staring at my brothers, they were staring at me. I wasn't going to let that ruin my day.

We went straight to the principal's office to get my schedule. Alena was also starting here so I wasn't going to be alone, which I was happy about. We opened the door to the principal's office and she was sitting on her phone by her desk. "Can we get the schedule?" Elijah asked, but she wasn't paying attention to us untill I went up to her desk and slammed my hands down on the desk which made her jump. "Schedule please." I said already frustrated. She immediately gave me my schedule and kept on apologizing when she saw my brothers. 

We walked out of her office. "Wow, weren't expecting you to do that." Jaxson said surprised and Elijah nodding in agreement. I looked down at my schedule and saw that I have art first. I am very excited, I love art. "So what do you have for first period?" Elijah asked trying to look at my schedule.  "I have art class first." I said very excited. 

They dropped me off  at my first class and went to theirs. I opened the door and everyone's eyes were on me. "Oh, you must be the new student, if you don't mind you can introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said to me as I turned to the class.

"Hi, I'm Alexis Romano and it is very nice to meet you all." I said. When they heard the last name, there were gasps and whispers in the hole classroom. "Well Alexis, you can take a seat next to the boy at the back." The teacher said. I began walking to the back of the class and sat down next to a boy. "So you are new here." He said as looked at him when he said that. "Yeah "I said.

In class we did basic sketches in 3D which was easy for me.

In class we did basic sketches in 3D which was easy for me

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We needed to draw it like it stood there. I finished it in 5 minutes, the boy next to me looked over at me and looking at my sketch. The teacher was walking in between us till she looked at my sketch. She took it and showed it to the class.

The bell rang as it was time for the second period of the day. I had English class next which Elijah got me to my class. I had to introduce myself again and heard gasps and whispers again. English was so boring and the teacher was talking in a slow voice which I fell asleep to.

The bell rang as it scared me awake. I packed up all my stuff and headed to my next period which was Italian, gladly I could speak it already along with French, Russian, Spanish and Japanese.

The period went by fast and very easily. The bell rang as it was break. Elijah and Jaxson was waiting for me to go to the cafeteria. I saw Alena and ran up to her and we hugged as I was very happy to see her. We sat down with my brothers.

A blond girl walked up to us. "Elijah, what is this whore doing here with you." I stood up going over to her and saying. "I don't think you know who I am, bitch." I said angry at her. "And you don't know who you are talking to." She said. "I don't care who I'm talking to, you can take your fucking ass and leave before you end up with a broken nose." I said to her as she looked at me.

She continued to say bad things about me and Elijah trying to get her away because he knows that I will actually break her nose if she continues. Everyone in the cafeteria was now looking at us. I've had enough of her and punched her straight in the nose and caused it to bleed. Gasps and whispers were heard around the cafeteria as I punched her. "Do you wanna know who you are messing with, you are messing with Alexis Romano!" I Shouted at her.

She regretted it when she heard my last name. I could she the fear in her eyes as she stood in front of me. I sat back down and continued my lunch. My brothers looked at me with proud faces as I smiled at them.

The bell rang signing that break is now over. I had PE next, I was not excited for that, after that I was tired and wanted to sleep. But I was called to the principal's office, probably about the fight in the cafeteria.

Hello, hope you enjoyed Chapter 11, sorry I couldn't post a new Chapter last weekend, was a bit busy with school work. :(

Total words: 1055

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