Chapter 6

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Alexis's pov

Shit, shit, shit

I'm in trouble.


"Alexis what is going on" my dad said again. My brothers looked at me curious as well as my mother. I stood there looking at the ground. Well they had to find out one way or another.

"Dad, I don't think you are ganna believe this, but I... made my own mafia when I was fourteen, I'm known as black heart" i said looking down at the ground. " I know you guys are also in the mafia..." I said.

They looked at me shocked and saying nothing. I look up. "That's why you are so good at fighting!" Shouted Jaxson and him getting slapped by Lorenzo. Dad walked to me. "So you made your own mafia when you where taken." Dad said standing in front of me. I nodded at him. Suddenly he hugged me and my eyes widen.

He let's go and looks at me with a proud face. One of the guys I knocked out started waking up and everyone looking at him. I grabbed my gun again and shot him between the eyes, making everyone jump.

"Also everyone that is in my mafia is here, at the headquarters." I said, surprising them. "Wow, anything else?" Asked Elijah. " Nope" I said, popping the "p".

I turned my mom, who looked at me speechless. "Mom, please say something." I said with worry. I walked up to her and hugged her and she hugged me back. Letting go after a few minutes she said, "That's not what I expected " she laughed.

I smiled. I thought they are ganna be mad, but it was the opposite. Marco was very proud while the others looked at me shocked.

Riccardo's pov

"Dad, I don't think you are ganna believe this, but I... made my own mafia when I was fourteen, I'm known as black heart " she said looking down at the ground. " I also know you guys are in the mafia " she said. I looked shocked at her as well as the boys.

"That's why you are so good at fighting!" Jaxson Shouted as Lorenzo slapped him in the back of the head. "So you made your own mafia when you where taken?" I asked and she nodded her head. I walked to her and hugged her.

I let go of her and looked at her with a proud face. She is definitely part of this family. She turned her head to the man on the ground, before I could do anything she shot him between the eyes making everyone jump.

" Also everyone that is in my mafia is here, at the headquarters." She said. " Wow, anything else?" Asked Elijah. Which she replied with nope. She turned to Aurora, who hasn't said anything. "Mom, please say something " Alexis asked in worry. Alexis walked to her and gave her a hug and Aurora hugged her back.

They let go after 4 minutes and Aurora said " that's not what I expected." After that she laughed. First time I saw her laugh since Alexis went missing. She was leading her own mafia and we didn't even know about it.

Sometimes I wonder what happened in that house she was in before. Because I noticed she doesn't eat very much.

Angelo's pov

When she pulled out a gun and shooting one of the men that was walking to her, I was shocked and so was the rest. Dad asked her what was going on after the guards told us that it was all of them.

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