Chapter 39

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___ Alexis's pov ___

Me, dad and Marco got to the warehouse. We got to Tylor's cell and went inside, Tylor sat there with old blood on his face. Me and Marco went and sat on the chairs in the corner next to a table and watched dad torture the hell out of Tylor to tell why he did what he did.

When dad finished torturing him, there was blood everywhere. I wasn't phased by that I've seen worse. Tylor's head hung low from the pain he was in, dad was about to go on, but I got a call from Alex, I went outside the door and answered the call.

"Hi, did you ask your dad yet if you can come tomorrow? Alex said through the phone. "Not yet, my dad, me and my brother are dealing with a traitor that was in the house" I answered. "Okay, I'll let you get back to that, let me know what he said after." Alex said. Yes I will, bye talk later." I said, he said bye and I hung up.

I went back into the cell and sat in my chair again. Tylor didn't want to say anything, so dad kept on torturing him.

______ time skip______

We got into the car and dad started the car, I can ask him now. "Dad, can I go and train the new recruits tomorrow for my mafia?" I asked hoping that he will say yes. "Yes you can but where is it going to be at?" Dad asked still focusing on the road. "It is going to be at my headquarters, it's not far from home." I said. Dad nodded his head in approval and I smiled. Marco was just quiet in the back.

When we got home, dad parked in the garage and we got out and went inside. Elijah was being chased by Jaxon, mom was in the kitchen making coffee and watching Jaxon chase Elijah, Angelo was on his laptop and my other two brothers are probably in their offices. I went to mom and also made myself a coffee and dad also wanted so I made coffee for him as well. After making coffee, I called Alex saying that I can come tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day for me. I have to know what their specialty is, like knife throwing, hacking, shooting, etc. It is going to be a long day tomorrow.

I finished making coffee and gave dad his coffee which he said thanks for the coffee. I sat on the couch and went on my phone, scrolling through tiktok, most of the videos are just cats, they are so cute! There were funny videos of cats as well as cars. It was a Lamborghinis with Christmas lights on it.

It looked so cool and they were driving them on the highway

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It looked so cool and they were driving them on the highway. It must have distracted some people who were driving by. I showed Angelo the video of the cars driving on the highway and he said that there's no way there wasn't accidents on the highway. I nodded my head and he went back to working on his laptop. Scrolling through TikTok got boring so I got my headphones and decided to listen to music, I'm on my why to 4000 liked songs and I'm currently standing on 3963 and I'm getting more every minute. Music gets me through the day and listening to music every day is the reason i have this many songs.

but this one song is my new favorite, the songs name is Bonnie and Clyde by Dutch Melrose and Harry was here.

I would listen to this song a thousands of times over again. It's like a mafia world in a song. Mom sat in the garden, so I decided to join her.

Mom hugged me and I happily hugged her back, we stayed like that for a while, before she let go first

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Mom hugged me and I happily hugged her back, we stayed like that for a while, before she let go first. We sat on a bench right next to the pond, I looked at the fish as they swam around in circles. There is white and orange koi fish and some little fish swimming around in the pond. There are also water leaves and little flowers drifting.

The garden was beautiful, it was full of different flowers with trees and little decorations, as well as fairy lights hanging tree to tree. No wonder this is mom's favourite place, it is so beautiful here, this might also be my favourite place to be apart from the kitchen and library.

___Marco's pov___

Dad came back from his office and wondered where mom and Alexis were. I told him that they are in the garden. Dad nodded his head and went to the kitchen to make him another cup of coffee, me, Antonio, Angelo, Lorenzo and dad are the ones that make the most cups of coffee in this house and Alexis with the monster energy.

I got back to work on my laptop, sitting on the couch. I couldn't hack into the french mafia's database, I'll ask Alexis when she comes inside. Just when I finished that thought mom and Alexis came in. "Hey sis, can you help me hack into the french mafia's database real quick?" I asked her. "Sure!" She said skipping towards me and jumping on the couch, sitting next to me. She took my laptop and began coding, I sat and watched as she coded her way into the french mafia's database.

"Done!" She said in a loud voice. Wow she is quick with coding. She gave my laptop back and took a look at the screen. "Thank you Alexis." I said to her, she smiled and walked to the kitchen and got herself a snack. I looked back at my laptop to see what is the french mafia's plans.

They weren't smart enough to not put all their plans on a computer that can be hacked into. I saw that they want to steal our and others shipments. Fixing that, I checked their other plans and I came across one of their plans that shocked me.


Happy new year everyone! Begining of a new year and a new book that will come out soon.

Total words: 1031

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