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After her morning shift, Winter prepares herself to go to a café where she and her group planned to work on their project. Of course, she told Yeji about it beforehand to avoid her being accused of cheating.

Since it's near Yeji's workplace, it shouldn't worry her too much. Winter walks for some meters before arriving at the café. She looks around, looking for a familiar face.


The girl turns her head towards the source of the voice. She greeted her with a subtle smile, walking to her table.

"good evening." Winter sits across her. "you must be Chaehyun."

"that's right." the girl smiles kindly. "we have two other members, by the way."

"it's alright. We can wait for them." Winter takes out her laptop and a small notebook. "why don't we start first. Planning on what to make."

"that's great." Chaehyun said while turning on her laptop as well. "I was thinking that we can make a program to help IT students like us. Those other programs are too expensive for us."

"we won't be able to make something as good." Winter responded. "we can just make a game or like simulator of something."

"that's good too. don't you think that other groups will make that?" Chaehyun furrowed her eyebrows, thinking hard.

"most likely. That's too simple for them and us to make." Winter said while looking at her laptop, researching for some projects that's possible to make.

"you're smart enough to make a complex program. Especially when you have me and the other members." Chaehyun chuckles. "Let's just brainstorm it for now."

"how do you know I'm smart?" Winter scoffed lightly as the corner of her lips curves up to a small smile.

"I like to do my research."

After some time, Winter already has a rough plan of the program that they'll make. Shortly after, two people approaches them. Two boys with playful manners sits beside Winter and Chaehyun.

"we're sorry, guys. I hope we're not too late." The one beside Winter apologized while taking out his laptop. "oh, I'm Yeonjun, if you guys wanna know me."

"...and you must be Kai." Chaehyun pointed at the boy beside her. "nice to meet you both."

"so, now that you guys are here, we already made some rough plan about a program we want to make." Winter started right away."

"wait, wait. I'm gonna order something first." Yeonjun giggles, standing up slowly. "tell him first, it's okay." he pointed at Kai.

"are you fucking kidding me? bro!" Kai exclaimed, watching his friend walks away. He then faced the two girls again. "alright. What's the plan?"


Winter looks at the time on her phone. Yeji should be off work by now. Winter leans back, relaxing a bit after working on their program.

"Winter?" Chaehyun moves closer to her. "can you help me with this? I kept getting errors but I don't know what's wrong."

Winter scoots over to her, looking at her laptop. She reads the codes that Chaehyun made briefly.

"you see here?" Winter pointed at the screen. "this doesn't work with this." she then helps her fixing the codes.

"thanks! I didn't realize. You're right." Chaehyun smiles at her.

"man, why don't we just make games or something? My brain is smoking." Yeonjun sighs. He's still doing his work, though. "I think I'm done for now."

"what about you, Kai?" Winter asked.

"I'll design the app for it. do we need to make the website?" he responded.

"just make sure that the program works." Winter is happy with Kai's enthusiasm. "relax. this is not our final."

"he's that ambitious." Yeonjun throws a crumpled tissue at him jokingly. "relax, bro."

"you're just lazy, you know that? look how much work you've done. Not to mention that we're late because of you." Kai scoffed.

"aww... are you mad?" Yeonjun mocks him. "c'mon. let's smoke outside." He stands up. "we'll be back, guys."

"okay. you've done your part, right?" Chaehyun made sure.

"of course, Chae. Feel free to check it out."

With that, Winter and Chaehyun are left alone. Honestly, Winter wants to join them to smoke but it's not nice to leave Chaehyun alone.

"we're not even halfway." Chaehyun sighs. "kinda regret my decision." She chuckles to herself.

"you said we can do it." Winter shrugs. "besides, this isn't so mainstream but not too hard for us to work on. We've learned these, right?"

"I know." Chaehyun smiles after hearing a small encouragement form Winter. "my friend sent me this." she showed her phone to Winter.

"is this their program?" Winter scoots closer.

"yeah. It's like something for musicians." Chaehyun continues to show Winter her friends' work.

Winter is intrigued in what Chaehyun shows her. since she likes programming so much, she got carried away for a while.

"that's why I wanna learn about programming. Imagine what you can create with that." Chaehyun shares a bit about herself.

"I just like being in front of the screen." Winter shrugs.

Right after that, the short haired girl suddenly feels like someone is watching her. she looks up and see Yeji with an angry face, looking at her sharply. Winter quickly stands up, walking towards her, knowing very well that Yeji will take it the wrong way.

"what's wrong?" Chaehyun looks at Winter then to Yeji.

Winter quickly catch Yeji's hand before she can walk away.

"don't start." Winter walks ahead of her, facing her afterwards. "she's in my group."

"just the two of you? how nice." Yeji sarcastically responded.

"those two guys are taking a break. They're there." Winter pointed at Kai and Yeonjun.

"so you suddenly stopped smoking? What's your excuse? Let me guess. You feel bad leaving her alone, you're trying to be nice to her so you stay with her, then you ended up sitting so close to her." Yeji leans forward, squinting her eyes. "you're unbelievable."

"why can't you trust me? I never accused you of anything at all." Winter furrowed her eyebrows. "you wanna meet her so you can trust me?"

"we go home. Right now. I'll wait in the car."

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