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Winter walks out of the manager's office. She gives Wendy the trainee uniform while Winter is wearing the worker's uniform.

"this is not a better idea."

"oh, don't be a baby. You'll enjoy this." Winter shoved the uniform towards her. "go change. I'll train you for a month."

"this shit is embarrassing me." Wendy sighs.

"do you want the money or not?" Winter folds her arms.

"well, yeah."

"then just do it, okay? it'll make a decent money. Help me a little." Winter taps her shoulder lightly.



Winter arrived at the mall. Chaehyun told her to wait at the lobby because she'll meet her there.


Winter turns around and found Chaehyun smiling at her. she grabs Winter's hand and drags her inside.

"if you want anything as well, you can just tell me. maybe one of my vouchers will work." Chaehyun said as they walk further into the mall.

"oh, don't mind me. buy something for yourself first." Winter responded, as she's getting confident in holding Chaehyun's hand. It's comfortable.

"alright, then. this will be some long hours. tell me if you're hungry."

Winter happily walks alongside Chaehyun, still with her hand attached on hers. When Chaehyun found what she needs, she let go of the hold which makes Winter a little sad. She enjoys their time together, though.


Winter didn't think that they'd be done a little late. Some stores are already closed and they just got out of the mall.

"are you tired?" Chaehyun looks at her worriedly. "looks like we didn't look at the time."

"it's alright. You got all you need, right?" Winter smiles at her. she managed to grab her hand even though it's full of shopping bags.

"yes! I did pay a little extra because my vouchers are all used." Chaehyun purses her lips. "this jacket looks good on you. I'm glad I bought it."

"thanks." Winter looks at herself. "you bought me some clothes too. I feel like I should pay you back."

"it's no big deal. I paid those with my vouchers. The styles fits you as well. I want you to spoil yourself too." Chaehyun smiles at her. "that's our ride."


Winter doesn't move a bit. Chaehyun is sleeping on her shoulder but they're almost arrived.

"miss..." the driver looks at Winter through the rear-view mirror. "It's on the left, right?"

"yes. just stop right there."

The car stops in front of Chaehyun's boarding house. Winter lightly taps her arm to wake her up.

Chaehyun is still sleepy. Regardless, she and Winter grabs all the bags and walks inside the building. Winter just follows her to her room.

"thank you." Chaehyun said to her after she put her things beside Chaehyun's bed. "how are you gonna go home?"

"the bus stop is near. Don't worry."

"okay. I'm tired." Chaehyun sits on the bed, yawning.

"then, I better get going." Winter ruffles her hair and chuckles. "I'll text you when I get home, okay?"


"um... can I say something?" Winter looks back at Chaehyun. The long haired girl nods. "what do you think if I asked you to be my girlfriend?"

Chaehyun's expression changed. She looks down, hiding her face.

"ah... forget it. just a thought." Winter turns around, nervously grabs the door handle.

"I can't." Chaehyun lifts her head up, looking at Winter. "I'm sorry." She stands up, walks towards Winter, and hugs her from behind. "I wish I could like you that way."

Winter looks down as her hand trembles. She's trying hard not to show any emotion towards Chaehyun.

"you're a girl, Winter. I don't want my family to be disappointed in me." Chaehyun loosen up her hug, slowly letting her go.

Winter turns around, taking a deep breath, and shows her a warm smile.

"I get it. I'm just glad that I can confess to you. it's not the right time, I know. I just thought I need to say it." Winter keeps showing that smile as she speaks. "I hope you have a good night. I'll still text you, though."

"okay. I'm sorry."


Winter weakly walks out of the bus. With tears that dried up, she takes out a pack of cigarette and takes one stick out. she drops her shopping bags before taking a lighter out of her pocket.

"Winter? are you okay?"

Winter takes a glance at the girl sitting at the bus stop. Karina looks at her with her worried face. Meanwhile, Winter is trying to lit up her lighter with her shaky hands, not to mention the wind.

Karina stands up and cups her hand around the lighter. Soon, Winter succeeded to light up her cigarette. She noticed how close they're standing. A trail of smoke flows past Karina's hair as Winter blows out.

"have you been crying? What happened to you?" Karina asked, tilting her head left and right to check on Winter's face.

Winter walks past her and sits on the iron bench. Karina sits beside her and put her hand on Winter's lap.

"I'm okay." Winter said, still sniffling. "I'll be okay, right?"

"you will be." Karina takes Winter's free hand, hoping to calm her down. "you will be okay."

"why are you out here?" Winter tried to avert the topic.

"my aircon is not working. I just called the technician before you came." Karina replied, understanding that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"I can fix it. probably." Winter offered.

"no, no. it's okay. they will come tomorrow." Karina smiles at her.

"oh, okay." Winter looks down. she doesn't realize that she finished her cig. "my sister came."

"oh really? How's she?"

"fucked." Winter stifles a laugh. "I don't know. I'm trying to help her."

"that's good. It's good that you can help a family. That'll make you feel nice." Karina encourage her.

"or stressed."

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