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Winter walks back to the storage room where Wendy is at. She let out a long sigh after seeing Wendy on her phone when it's not even a break time.

"what are you doing?" Winter leans on the wall with her arms crossed on her chest

"waiting for you...? what else should I do?"

Winter checks on a clipboard on Wendy's hand. She decided to give it a check, going around the boxes.

"how's it? I checked it twice." Wendy leans on one of the racks.

"alright." Winter gave the clipboard back to her. "since I'm only doing a part-time shift, do you want to do it full time?"

"no, thank you." Wendy sarcastically replied.

"well, too bad. you're not a student. You can't take the part-time shift. You have to do it full time." Winter smiles sarcastically as well.

"why didn't you ask me first?" Wendy groans.

"you live with me, sleep in my room, in dad's house. don't think that you can live for free."

"you're annoying." Wendy rolled her eyes.

"hey, you did a great job. Boss said that he will keep you." Winter taps her shoulder. "meanwhile, I will resign."

"you planned this didn't you?" Wendy squinted her eyes.

"kinda." Winter chuckles. "I have another job it makes more than working in this store."

"what about that? I can work on that instead." Wendy tried to negotiate.

"no, that job is for me." Winter turns around. "you'll start next week. Don't be late."


Winter is having more youtubers coming to have her service. She doesn't know why she suddenly got famous only from her editing.

"hey, I'm Winter, the editor that you contacted through email." Winter called her new client. "yes. I have a form that you need to fill out so I can manage things more efficiently." She listens to his respond. "I will send you the form right away. Thank you, sir. Looking forward to work with you."

Winter then goes on to contact the other two clients. By now, she has five youtubers to work on. This will be a hell of a job. Regardless, Winter loves this job. She thought that digital work requires more skills and Winter is ready to learn all of it.

"hey, sis. You still working?" Wendy walks into the room, going straight to lay on the bed with her legs still hanging down the floor.

"of course."

"will you go to work with me tomorrow?" Wendy asked.

"aren't you going in the morning?" Winter replied, still looking at her monitor. "I have the evening shift."

"oh." Wendy sits up, taking off her jacket. "can you wake me up?"

"set an alarm." Winter kinda ignored her.

"hey, do you hate me?" Wendy starts to get irritated since Winter hasn't been nice to her.

"what now?" Winter sighs, stopping her fingers from typing on the keyboard.

"I feel like you just don't like me for some reason. I don't even know what happened to you for years."

"aside from you taking my personal space, I have to help you with your dept. you expect me to like you?" Winter shook her head.

"fine. I'll work. Don't help me if you don't want to. I don't need your pity."

Winter feels uneasy. Seems like she's being too hard on Wendy, especially when Wendy have nothing to with anything in Winter's life.

"I don't hate you, okay? I need time to adjust." Winter turns to face her. "I helped you to get a job already."

"right." Wendy ignored her. she sleeps on her side with her back facing Winter.


Winter sits on the bus stop, looking at a picture of Chaehyun that she took at the mall the other day. she's been ignoring her texts and calls though she understands that Chaehyun still wants to be her friend. Winter can't do that. she'll hurt herself knowing that they can't be together.

"why is everything so messy?" Winter takes a long puff before blowing it out. "okay, Winter. get yourself together. Everything will turn out fine." she said to herself. "as long as I have I something I love to do, I won't be stressing out all the time." she shrugs.

Winter then feel her phone vibrates. It's one of her new clients.

"hey! Sorry to call you this late. I've seen your work on other youtubers and It's kinda my style. I've decided to hire you. can you send me the form?"

"oh, with pleasure, sir. Can I send it to you tomorrow morning?" Winter gets a little happy from this call. "okay. thank you for trusting me, sir. Looking forward to work with you. have a good night."

Winter smiles upon hanging up the call.

"see? my life is not so bad after all."

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