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▪︎Elijah's pov:

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▪︎Elijah's pov:

It was 2 p.m. right now and I was making my way to Professor Silas' office. He usually calls me on Sunday evenings so that he can give me my weekly schedule for all my patrols and the area I have to cover.

We don't follow any werewolf or vampire patrol as they mainly protect their area and their forest. The professor usually sends me to darker areas where he knows dangerous creatures roam.

Since I'm a hellhound, slaughtering monsters is my job.

The director of this campus knows that I risk my life and help Silas to protect our surroundings, so I do get paid for my job.

As I walked into his office, a faded scent hit me. I tried to remember where I smelt it before but it didn't click in my mind.

His office was empty so I knew I had to go down to his library.

I made my way to the shelves before moving one of the books which showed the hidden staircase.

I went down.

I found Silas sitting in the middle of the room with a lot of things in front of him. He seemed to be in a trance with his eyes closed and he was whispering words in another language.

There was a feather floating in the air in front of him. The feather would turn around pointing at random spots before pointing back at Silas. A deep frown appeared on his face when the feature pointed at him.

Looks like he wasn't satisfied with the result.

The air in this room carried the same scent and it was way clearer here than upstairs.

It's the same scent that I found in the cave...

Quietly I walked to the side, trying to find the spot where the scent was stronger. It was so addictive to my hellhound that he was forcing me to walk forward and find it.

My hellhound has been acting weirdly lately. Yesterday he pin Raven to the wall as he was furious when she mention having 'fun' with other guys. Once I got control over him, I pulled away and walked away.

I hope I didn't frighten her...

Out of nowhere, one of the books from the shelves behind me fell on the ground making a loud thud. I turned around to look at it before glancing at Silas.

He was still in his trance...

Professor Silas doesn't like to be disturbed when he does magic and he can get grumpy about it.

I picked up the book.

There was a red lady on the cover and the book was pretty thin. There was no title or words written on the hardcover. It also looked really old with a few specks of dust on the edge.

I put it back on the shelves. I didn't have time to take a step forward before the book fell again. This time I lunged my body forward, quick enough to catch it before it hit the ground.

What the heck?

This library was a living library.

All old Witches have one of those kinds of libraries where books moved around by themselves and upon calling one word, the books would float and be present in front of them.

I'm not surprised about the book falling from the shelf as I have witnessed it before but I'm surprised that it's the same book.

I try to put it back on the shelf again. A mere second later, it was flying out and I caught it.

What's in that book?

Giving in, I opened the first page.


It commonly holds the purpose of being the strongest bond with another person that one can achieve. People who believe in soulmates commonly accept that one will feel 'complete' once they have found their soulmate, as it is partially in the perceived definition that two souls are meant to unite. A soul mate's purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, and make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life.

Why would the library want me to read this?

I turned the page and read a few more lines. Everything was written in theory and facts. When I was younger my mother used to tell me stories about soulmates and their loves.

I do believe in soulmates and I believe it's such a beautiful thing.

Unfortunately, hellhounds are meant to stay alone. They don't have soulmates. Like my father used to say,' The lonely hellhound makes the best kill and stays alive longer.'

He made me lose the faith in having a soulmate a long time ago.

He never treated my mother like an equal. He made sure that he stays in a higher position than her in every facet. My mother never smiled in front of him, she would not talk or even glance at his face mainly because she was scared of him.

Seeing how my father would treat my mother and listening to my mother's stories about soulmates, I concluded that they were never soulmates. He only used her for his satisfaction.

My mother died while giving birth to my brother. None of them survive.

One particular paragraph gained my attention.

The connection of soulmates is weird yet beautiful. One can conquer the other's heart with one glance, one touch, and one sniff of their scent. Some experience butterflies in the stomach, tinglings on the skin, overprotectiveness toward the other, and jealousy. No one is too powerful to escape the destiny of soulmates.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

That seems too familiar.


"You are here," I heard Silas speak making me look up. He was done with his magic and he was starting to clean up the middle area.

"Yeah... This book kept falling from the shelf." I said as I handed him the book.

He grabbed it and looked at it, "The soulmate book... Did you find your soulmate?"

He shifted his gaze to me.

"Hellhounds don't have soulmates." I pointed out.

He raised an eyebrow," Who said that?"

"It isn't true?"

"Soulmates are rare, I agree. But saying that you can't have one, I don't agree. Whoever told you about this hellhound can't have soulmates, need to shut the fuck up and stop spreading lies." he commented.

Hold on.

"Wait so you are saying that I can have a soulmate?" I asked cautiously.

"Of course."

Could Raven be my... Soulmate?

"Even if she's a human?" I asked him.

He smiled.

"Ah, I understand better now... You weren't sure of your feelings about this human girl, were you? Looks like the library found your problem and he just gave you your answer. I know it isn't easy with humans but I'm sure you will figure something out."

It felt like someone threw a bucket of cold water on me.

I can have a soulmate!?

Well, seems like I already found her.

"For now let's get to work..."


Love ya

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