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▪︎Xena's pov:

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▪︎Xena's pov:

After I left Dad's office, I made my way to Silas' library. He was by his desk looking at some pages from a book while other books were floating by the shelves behind him.

Hearing my footsteps, he looked at me, "Ah, here you are."

He walked to me and handed me a piece of paper with a picture of a weird-looking ruin on it.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"I was able to contact a witch from the unclaimed land that is willing to help us. She said that she will drop a box with a few maps and notes about what she knows and we will have to go there to get it... Unfortunately, I cannot step on the unclaimed land. Years ago, I made a blood promise and I can't break it." He explained.

Since Elijah explained to me what a blood promise is, I now know how important it is.

"Okay, I'll go." I accepted.

"Take someone with you... It's really dangerous out there." He suggested.

"I can handle it," I reassured him.

"No, take-" We both stopped talking when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We turned to the door right in time to see Elijah walk in.

"Did you do it?" Silas asked him right away.

"Yes, all bodies are in ashes," Elijah replied firmly.


Silas turned to me, "Take someone with you."

He went back to look for something from his shelves. Elijah shift his gaze to me and a light smile appeared on his lips. He approached me and loosely wrapped his arm around me, making my back pressed against his front as he hug me from behind in a tight bear hug.

His eyes landed on the paper in my hand.

"Do you know where this is?" I asked him.

He examined the picture.

"Not really... you see the flowers on the edge of the wall? These are some flowers that Vampires put along their clans to mark their territory. I don't know much about it but I think your friends, the twin, will know." Elijah spoke.

"I need to go there... I'll ask the twin to join me, do you want to come with us?" I asked him.

"Sure," he agreed.

"What is this!?"

We looked up at Silas who was looking at us with wide-eyed and mouth dropped open.


"Are you cheating on your mate!?" Silas asked Elijah.

"What! No!" Elijah denied, growling lowly as he possessively tightened his hold on me.

He's going to squeeze me to death...

"Silas... You got it wrong... I'm his mate." I told him.

"He told me that his mate is a human," Silas pointed out.

"He didn't know that I was a Tribrid, so he didn't lie..." I trailed off.

Silas calmed down, looking at us back and forth.

"Sorry for accusing you of cheating." Silas apologized. Elijah remained silent but loosened his grip.

"That explains why you were so mad that I appointed Maggie as his partner. I thought you were concerned about these two messing around but you were just jealous huh," Silas commented.

I gasped," I wasn't jealous."

"Sure," Silas shrugged going to his desk.

"So I was right," Elijah murmured near my ear.

I rolled my eyes.

Shortly after, I texted the twin and they agreed to help me. Elijah and I met them at the front of the building, where I showed them the picture that Silas gave me.

"Oh my God," I heard Clayton murmur as his eyes landed on the drawing.

"What?" I asked him cautiously.

"This is a place where vampires are forbidden to go. This land was cursed years ago and that's why it's in ruins today." Travon explained.

"Well if you don't want to go, I understand... Just give me the direction-"

"No, it's alright. We will accompany you." Clayton interrupted me.

"Are you sure?" I asked them.

"Yes," they both reassured me.

"Let's go then,"


It took us forty minutes of walking to reach the ruin. On our way, I told the twin why we were heading there and what Silas needed.

 On our way, I told the twin why we were heading there and what Silas needed

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"It's too silent," Elijah noticed as he looked around. It's true, it was so quiet that if a branch fell on the ground, we would hear it clear as the day. Even the water was quiet, there was no flow.

"Yeah, it's part of the curse. No one can live here, even the animals know to run away from this place." Clayton mumbled.

"Let's find the box," I said and they nodded.

There was no bridge so we had to use the fallen tree trunk on the water to reach the other side. We went on it one by one as it was really unsteady. The stairs leading up were slippery and were falling apart as we put our weight onto them. Thankfully, we managed to go up.

The inside was just ruins and ruins.

There was no roof, so the middle was a disaster. There were broken tables, broken swords, stains of blood, carcasses in the middle, scratches on the wall, insects running around and some parts of the mansion were dark.

"Why is this place curse?" Elijah asked curiously.

"The leader that once ruled over this area was known for his thirst for power. Everyone thought that when he will find his mate, he will change and eventually become better... They were wrong," Clayton started.

"He was affectionate toward her, cared for her, possibly loved her... Well, that's what he showed to the world. His mate got pregnant and one night during the full moon, right here in the middle, he stabbed both of them and drank their blood." Travon continued.

My eyes widened slightly.

What the fuck...

"It is said that a 'fairy'-all dressed in white and she was glowing- came here and cursed him and this land. No one ever saw the fairy again which is why everyone thinks that it was the moon goddess who came and cursed him."

"People be doing weird shit to unborn children and newborns," Elijah murmured.

"They are too pure,"


Love ya

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