▪︎28|Yellow Smoke▪︎

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▪︎Elijah's pov:

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▪︎Elijah's pov:

Out of the corner of my eyes, I swear I saw something move but when I looked at the spot, it was really hard to tell. The lights were bright but it was too dim for the darkness surrounding us.

"What?" I heard Travon ask me when he saw me staring into the forest.

"I think I saw something move... But it's hard to see anything." I answered.

"Maybe it's some couples doing it behind the trees," Griffin added.

He was still with us...

"Did you notice that the wind suddenly calm down?" Clayton pointed out.

Yeah, it did.

"I should go and check," I volunteered.

"What? What if someone is having the best time of their lives over there and you are just going to interrupt them." Griffin spoke, stopping me.

I glanced at the twin.

"Or someone could be in danger, we should check," Travon said, agreeing with me.

"Fine, let's all go."

As they put their drinks down, we heard screams. We snapped our head to the middle, where everyone was dancing and we saw a can rolling in the middle. Everyone moved to the side, looking down at the can.

What the fuck?

From the woods, many other cans fly in the middle where we were. Suddenly a yellow smoke came out of it. I rushed to the people and guide them to the back away from the smoke.

It spread so quickly and everyone inhaled a good amount of the smoke.

We started to cough.

As quickly as it spread, it disappeared into the air. As the view cleared, I looked around. The twin was by the faires and Mermaid protecting them. Griffin was with the other werewolf making sure everyone was okay.

Out of the dark, we saw a group of men approaching us. They all had some flechette in their hands and their clothes were black. The two at the front were different and they looked like the leaders.

One of them was tall, in a pair of black jeans, a brown t-shirt, and a leather jacket while the other dude was small, and had a big scar on his neck. He was in black pants and a black T-shirt.

The other guys ran to our side, circling us.

I tried to shift.

Keyword; tried.

I couldn't. I tried and tried but I couldn't bring my hellhound out.

I heard growls and I looked toward the Alphas. They couldn't shift either.

What the fuck is happening?

The guys walked closer making everyone coward in the middle in a circle. The twin walked to my side.

"I can't shift," Clayton panicked.

"Neither can I," I spoke.

"So much for protecting everyone... We can't even shift." Travon sighed irritatedly.

The fairies tried to use their magic but it was of no use.

"Don't try so hard, none of you will be able to shift or use your magic. That's the beautiful effect of the yellow smoke." The scar-neck guy smirked.

The Alphas growled menacingly.

"Calm down dogs and don't even try to do anything... My friend over here is a hybrid and he will take everyone out in only a second," he spoke pointing at the tall man.

A hybrid?

The hybrid seems to be examining every one of us.

"It's quite daring to be partying here so freely when the hellworld's door just broke open. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is right now? And how any creature can come and eat you alive?" the Hybrid talked with a British accent.

"He's talking about himself." the scar-neck guy added with a chuckle.

"Oh please, I don't eat them alive. I only torture them long enough till they willingly submit to me and become my slave." the Hybrid smirked.

"There is a good variety of blood here,"

"I know, some pure young blood and some powerful blood too,"

Travon leaned his head to my side, "We should call her."

"There is no signal here, we can't use our phone." I reminded him.

"She told us to call her name and she'll be here," Clayton added.

"Should we try to handle this by ourselves first," Travon suggested.

"If you wanna die, yes, go ahead. We have no powers, we are mere humans right now and we have a hybrid in front of us... We need to call her." Clayton whispered, yelled.


We turned to the hybrid. It was quite funny as it looks like something that would happen when our teacher would catch us talking in class.

He seemed pissed.

"Are you plotting against me?" he asked us with a stern voice.

"Huh, no..." Clayton replied, shaking his head.

"I don't believe you... Step forward. The three of you!" He demanded.

Travon, Clayton, and I took a step forward as he asked. We have no power right now so it was wiser to listen to him.

"Two Vampires and a hellhound, do I have a hellhound in my collection?" The hybrid guy asked the other guy.

"Not yet sir," He smirked.

The hybrid shifted. His eyes were yellow, his fangs were out and we could see the outlines of his dark veins on his face.

"I'll take care of you three first... Any last words?"

"Yes, actually one word," Travon answered.

"Go ahead, say it," Scar-neck chuckled.


As Clayton yelled her name, I watched as the Hybrid took a step back and shift back to his human self. He seemed taken aback.

"What the fuck did you just say!?" he demanded.

"What you heard," I spoke.

As he took a step toward me, the wind suddenly picked up. We heard the leaves on the ground move in spiral forms and there were various sounds around us.

It seemed like the forest was suddenly awake.

Everyone looked around in fear.

Even the hybrid was on his guard.

"That's impossible... I'll end each one of you and I'll start with you, young hellhound," he stated.

"Try," A feminine voice echoed.

Our heads snapped toward the entrance and there she was standing confidently, looking dead gorgeous.

My Xena...


Love ya

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