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▪︎Xena's pov:

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▪︎Xena's pov:

"Well, this little girl don't give a shit about what you think. You might be an alpha but your stupid voice doesn't work for me. So watch it." I warned him.

"My stupid voice!? You bitch I will kill you too!"

"You won't be the first one trying and I'm sure you won't be the last one," I commented boredly.

He growls in his Alpha tone again.

Every time any Alpha uses their strong voice on me, my Tribrid automatically gets triggered and all it wanna do is rip his throat out, showing him that we were in control here.

He was seriously pissing me off now.

But I controlled myself.

He lunged toward me, trying to scratch me with his dirty nails.

"Bow down," I stated using my authorial Tribrid voice.

That made him freeze for a second.

"I don't take orders from you!" he snarls.

"I said bow. the. fuck. down!"

He reluctantly falls onto his knees, bowing his head.

Now who's the bitch...

I turned to James and found him hugging a woman tightly. By the physical similarities, I'll take it that she was his mom.

"James, why is he after you?" I asked him in a softer voice as I could see he was quite frightened.

Before he could speak, his mom did.

"We left our kids in the playhouse with two warriors and we told them not to go out... Why did you go out?" She asked James, her voice tone was low.

She wasn't scolding him.

"I didn't. He came in." James replied.

That made the other moms stepped out of the crowds.

"James, where are the others?" a woman asked him quite panicked.

He buried his face into his mom's neck, not answering.

"James, please tell us." Another mom begged.

He pulled away.

"He killed them," he murmured.

My eyes widened.


"James, do not joke around. Where are your friends?" his mom asked him again.

"Dead. He killed them," he repeated, sobbing.

"Delicious, soft meat." the rogue chuckled making me clenched my fist.

I was beyond mad.

Turning to him, I put my hands forward and used my magic.

Omnis cellula in corpore sentiat sicut ignis...

(may every cell in your body feel like fire)

He started to choke before he fell onto his hands, fisting the soil to hold his pain. Within two seconds, he was sweating hard. He gave in and let out painful screams.

Everything in me wanted him dead.

No one stopped me.

He lunged onto his side, falling down and still screaming. He tried to lessen the pain by rolling and scratching himself but it didn't work out good for him.

He was now bleeding.

He did more open cuts, willingly letting his blood pour out onto the soil. The soil didn't absorb the blood, instead, it remains a fresh blood buddle underneath him.

Since he was an alpha, he was healing fast but he didn't want that. So every time his wound was healing, he would dig his nail back into it, opening it again.

More painful screams came out of him, echoing everywhere.

He eventually bleed himself to death.

His screams faded, his body stopped moving and the last droplet of blood came out of him.

Everyone silently watched him.

"Whose pack is this?" Dad asked the crowd.

"Mine," an Alpha came in front. He seemed shocked and out of words.

"We should check the disaster he made," Dad spoke. The Alpha nodded.

The mothers were the first ones to rush into the woods.

"We should check the area too," Percy told me.

We used our speed and ran through the woods, before reaching the pack. We didn't know where the pack was situated so we followed all the recent scent.

As we reached, painful howls were heard.

My eyes landed on the scene. The whole playroom was covered with blood, there were a few kids in the middle, dead. Half of their bodies were torn apart and eaten. The parents cradle what remained from their kid's body and they cried.

My stomach flipped upside down and I felt like throwing up.

"Hey, you good?" Percy asked me.

I couldn't reply to him as I rushed out of the playroom and throw up by the building. I was confused when I saw that I threw up some blood. When I was done, I wiped my mouth and took a deep breath.

"Hey," a soft voice called out behind me.

I turned around and saw Elijah looking at me with concern glistening in his eyes. I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him.

He wrapped his arms around me and with one hand he rubbed my back, soothingly.

"That's horrible," I murmured.

"I know, I'm glad you made him experience so much pain before killing him," he spoke firmly.

But that won't ease the pain of the parents...

"You should rest," he suggested.

"I'm fine," I reassured him.

"I can feel your emotions love... you might be fine physically but you should take a small break mentally."

I have had way worst experiences than today but I never felt so drained before. Could be the magic spell that I used on the rogue Alpha... Maybe Elijah is right and I should take a break. I should be in good health and shape for when Dhalia attacks us.

"Okay, I will," I told him.

He kissed my head.

We both pulled away.

Elijah reached and cupped my face, "I will try to help clean up and see if your brothers find anything suspicious around the area. Once I'm done, I'll join you."

"Okay," I nodded.

I leaned to peck his lips before walking away.

As I walked to the border, I heard someone call me again. I turned around and this time it was James' mother.

"Hi, I wanted to thank you for saving my James' life twice, first from the witch and now from this monster. I'll be forever grateful to you," she said sincerely with a small smile.

"I'm glad that I was able to help him. No need to thank me."


Love ya

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