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▪︎Elijah's pov:

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▪︎Elijah's pov:

As the director said, he got the meeting fixed for the afternoon. We were all gathered in the front yard as it was larger and could fit a lot of people. I stood by the side of the front steps while Magnus, Rio, and Percy were in the middle of the steps, looking at the crowd.

Xena wasn't here as she was patrolling the area.

Marina, Roselia, and Delilah were in the front with the crowd, looking at the director.

Even the Chimeras were here.

"I know a lot of you have a lot of questions and we will try to give you all some answers. I will request you all to tell your leaders about your worries and inquiries so that they can ask me the questions and it'll be easier to reply to you." Magnus suggested.

There was a brief whispering in the crowd before it quieted down and they all turn their attention back to Magnus.

"We saw what happened to Professor Silas yesterday, should we worry that this may happen to us?" one alpha inquired.

"Professor Silas was trapped in magic and left to die by an old revengeous witch named Dhalia. Some of your elders might remember her... Dhalia is one of the most powerful witches that use black magic for bad purposes. Years ago we were able to trap her soul in an unknown place but turns out that she is back now. She trapped the professor and took his magic which re-ignited her own powers. Unfortunately, I got the bad news that my own assistant and secretary Camille, is consciously helping her to harm us." Magnus explained.

There was a lot of whispering around us.

"To come back to your question Alpha, I have the regret to inform you that indeed, the danger is around us. We have no idea what Dhalia wants to do but harming us will be one of her main goals. From my side, we are already doing our best so that this area remains a safe zone and I will request you all to do the same for your packs and clans. Now don't make the mistake of thinking that each of her attacks will be visible to our eyes. She got those hell-world monsters out for a reason, and those monsters don't only live on land but in the lake, in the air, in the soil, and even in our thoughts." Magnus added.

Another Alpha spoke," I've got a lot of my front warriors on leave as they just have their babies. My resources and front protection are quite weak right now."

"I volunteered to help you," Another Alpha butt in," I can send you some warriors from my pack, and rest assured they are good fighters."

A wind came around, carrying a familiar scent. Soon enough, I felt her by my side.

I turned to Xena," I thought you said that you weren't coming."

"I'm getting bored walking around alone..." she admitted making me chuckle.

She let her eyes roam around the crowd while my eyes roamed through her body and her outfit. I did see her in the morning but I didn't realize how big those jeans make her ass look. Damn.

I felt her elbow me, "Eyes up,"

"And miss this view, never," I commented with a smirk.

She smiled.

"Looking at everyone being calm, I'm guessing that everything is going smooth here," she pointed out.

I nodded," Surprisingly, yeah."

"That's good,"

"In this tough time, I would appreciate it if we all could work together instead of working solo. The more we are together, the more powers will be on our side. I don't want to make Dhalia gone for a few months... I want her gone for good and this will only be possible if we are all together." Magnus pointed out.

Again there was a lot of whispering.

Some of the leaders and Alpha agreed but some were not too sure.

"Do you hear that?" Xena suddenly became stiff. She looked toward the woods.

"Heard what?" I asked her as I shift my eyes toward the woods.

"Someone just called my name..." She answered.

Using my hearing I tried to listen too.

For the next few seconds, I heard nothing. Her eyes shifted to gold and she took a few steps forward. Her brothers noticed her alarmed self and they left Magnus, walking towards us.

"What's happening?" Percy asked her cautiously.

"I swear I heard someone call my name and it sounded like a kid," she told him.


Everyone in the yard heard it this time.

"James?" she murmured.

Who is he?

Out of nowhere, a little boy came running out from the woods and he was covered in dirt and blood. Xena used her speed and rushed to his side, kneeling in front of him. He broke down into tears, throwing his arms around her neck.

"James," a woman cried out concerned from the crowd. She took a few steps forward, going to the little boy however a roar was heard before a big black wolf emerged from the woods. It slides on his paws as he stopped for a few seconds.

The woman froze in fear.

Xena stood up, pushing James behind her.

The wolf roared again before running to Xena. She didn't move at all, instead, she let her tribrid take over and growl menacingly. Her growl was powerful and it echoed. Many Alpha flinched slightly at the sound.

Percy and I approached Xena.

We didn't go to her but we stayed behind her in case we need to interfere. Percy motioned for the little boy to come to him and he did a small run, coming to hug Percy's legs.

"Go to your Mom," Percy murmured to him.

And he did. The woman wrapped her arms around him tightly, sighing in relief.

"How do you know her?" the woman asked his son, curiously.

"She saves us from the witch," the little boy answered.

"Oh my god, it was her?"

"Shift!" Xena ordered to the beast.

The wolf hesitated but he did shift in his human form. He was scary looking. There was a big scar on his stomach, dirt all over his body, and his nail were brown and pointy. He growls, showing his black, yellowish teeth. His hair was wet and long.

"I'm the rogue Alpha, I receive no orders. Especially not from a little girl like you." he snarls before using his alpha roar on her.

"Well, this little girl don't give a shit about what you think. You might be an alpha but your stupid voice doesn't work for me. So watch it." Xena warned him.


Love ya

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