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Xena's pov:

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Xena's pov:

When I woke up this morning, I didn't want to go to the campus. Now that everyone knows what I am, there are going to be a lot of challenges. Some might be okay with me being around them but some will definitely give me the side eye and will stay away from me.

 Some might be okay with me being around them but some will definitely give me the side eye and will stay away from me

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(Xena's outfit⬆️)

Yesterday, the twin, Elijah, and I spend our evening hanging together. We had lunch and I was surprised at how well Elijah got along with the twin. He was really reserved and silent around them but yesterday, it changed. He had long conversations and he would laugh and smile occasionally around them.

Even the twin got super comfortable around him.

I grabbed my bag, making my way to the campus.

As soon as I walked on the main pathway, I could feel the yard going silent as everyone shift their gaze to me. I held my head high, walking confidently like their stares and judging eyes didn't affect me.

To be honest, I don't give a fuck about them.

"Hi," I felt a presence beside me. I turned my head and I saw Elijah looking down at me with a slight smile on his lips.

"Hi," I smiled as I slowed my pace.

"Hello, hello," two other voices joined us. Travon was by my side while Clayton went to Elijah's side, loosely throwing his arm around Elijah's shoulder like they were old buddies.

"Hi," Both Elijah and I greeted them.

"Well damn, seems like you are the center of attention today. I can't tell if it's because you are... Well, you. Or because of your outfit which makes your ass look big," Travon playfully commented.


"Better be the first one," Elijah pointed out.

"Personally, it's the second one," Travon smirked, clearly messing with Elijah.

Elijah raised an eyebrow, looking at him.

"Okay kids, no fighting. We have class and you have your patrol to do." Clayton pointed out.

"Since when did you become the mature one?" I asked with a chuckle.

He gasped, feeling offended, "Hey, I'm mature."

"Sure," Travon, Elijah, and I said together.

"The betrayal," Clayton murmured shaking his head, disappointed.

Elijah reached to tap Clayton's shoulder, "You'll survive."

Briefly letting my eyes roam around, I saw a lot of people just staring at us. I know they were shocked to see Elijah in a good mood and in a group freely talking and smiling. The whole yard was silent so I'm sure they could hear us talking as we walked.

Seeing a lot of their shocked face, especially Asher's face, I felt so proud of Elijah.

I wrapped my arm around Elijah's arm as we made our way to the front steps.

"That's my queue to leave. See you at lunch," Elijah kissed my head.

"See you," I smiled.

"See you," Both twins added.

He walked to the edge of the woods while the twin and I walked to our morning lectures.


It was around noon when the bell rang for our lunchtime. The twin and I didn't share this lecture so I was alone in the classroom. I did get a few stares and murmurs from those around me but one glare from me and they would silence up, minding their business.

Not gonna lie, sometimes when people are scared of you, you have the power to choose your peace and you can easily shut them up instead of putting up with their bullshits.

As I was packing up, a girl with pastel pink waist-length hair, walked up to me. By the way she was approaching me, I could tell she was nervous. She waited for the class to be empty before opening her mouth to talk.

"Hi, I'm Marina. I know you don't know me and you are probably asking why I approached you and I'm really sorry if I'm disturbing you. You probably have a lot of responsibility but I swear this will only take a few seconds and if you don't wanna help me, I would totally get it. I mean you can choose to help other people why would you choose to help me? By the way, thank you for saving our asses on Saturday, you didn't have to but you still did it and I'm really-"

She was rambling so quickly.

I grabbed her arms, "Hey, calm down... Breath in... And out..."

She listened to me and slowly calm down.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous." She admitted.

I chuckled," I can see that... You don't have to be nervous, I'm not going to eat you."

She smiled.

"Let's start over, shall we? But this time, slowly." I told her.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm Marina, a mermaid."

"Hi," I greeted her.

"I have a problem, well our community has a problem... Someone is hypnotizing boys and killing them in our lake." she started.


"You see, we don't use our enchanting voice on males anymore because we learned that a lot of consequences follow it. Whoever is doing this, is not from our community. It isn't a mermaid. However, one of my friends caught a singing voice, kinda like ours and when she went to check it, she saw a boy walking straight in the lake. She didn't see who was calling him but the boy kept walking even though his head was covered with water and he was barely able to breathe... A few seconds later, his body was floating in the water." She explained.

The black ash that I spread around the area doesn't work on water, so I didn't bother going to the lake area.

Of course, the monsters would find a way to get their work done...

"Since when has this been going on?" I asked her.

"Three days?" she said approximately.

"Can you show me where this has been going on?" I asked.

She nodded, "Sure."

I swing my bag over my shoulder, "I have to get my friends by the cafeteria, then we can head there."



Love ya

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