▪︎20|Fumus tenebris▪︎

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▪︎Xena's pov:

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▪︎Xena's pov:

After spending a few minutes in my room, I freshened up before going back to the campus. As soon as I stepped into the pathway of the main entrance, I was taken aback when I felt a heavy pressure on my chest.

I slowed my pace, looking around.

Everything seemed normal.

There were a few fairies by the bushes that were on fire earlier. They were removing the burned plants and replaced them with new ones. The werewolves were at their usual spot but the alphas were missing.

They might be in the director's office.

I felt a breeze before the scent of vampires filled my nose.

"Hi," they both greeted me with a smile.

"Hi," I greeted them back.

"Where did you disappear? We looked for you everywhere this morning," Clayton asked me curiously.

"There are a lot of things happening and it doesn't seem to be getting better," I answered with a sigh.

They both glanced at each other.

"There is no lecture right now due to the alphas being in the director's office. Do you want to go to the side and maybe enlighten us a little more on what's happening... Maybe we can help you." Travon explained.

I thought about it for a few seconds.


We walked to the side of the building where usually only the humans hang out. We sat on one of the benches by the field.

I ended up telling them what have been happening these past few days.

"Well damn," Travon commented stunned.

"So you are telling us that you performed a ritual with Professor Silas which went wrong and completely drained you then you had a sleep paralysis dream which was real and brutal. You provoked a Coven Witch and now she's coming to hurt you, possibly kill you." Clayton summed up looking in the distance. He was still processing everything.

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Speaking of the heaviness that you felt... Everyone has been acting weirdly since this morning. I've heard a lot of werewolves-and witness it myself- getting angry over small things like their pencil falling off the table, they accidentally hit the corner of their desk, their coffee didn't have much sugar... I strongly believe that the fight between Asher and the other Alpha is related to that." Travon spoke, looking at me.

Clayton suddenly turns to face me as if something clicked in his mind.

"And fairies too... They seemed to have lost their confidence and a lot of their spells are turning into disasters. I heard that they turned the water that they use to water the plants into acid. Half of the greenhouse is dead." Clayton added.

What the fuck?

This can't be a coincidence.

"There might be something or someone causing that," I spoke.

Could it be one of the signs of the Coven Witch? She did warn me that she'll be close to me soon.

Suddenly there was a big loud howl coming from the woods in front of us making us snap our heads up toward it. Every human around us froze in fear as they also looked at the forest.

That howl was not a wolf howl. It was really different.

"Okay, that was not a wolf, right?" Clayton asked lowly.

"No, it wasn't," I replied, shaking my head.

"It kinda sounds like the beast who attack us the other night," Travon spoke making me look at him.

"A beast attacked you?"

"Yeah, it was on Monday night. We went out in a group to hunt and there was a black beast who out of nowhere attacked us. We didn't smell it, we didn't hear it come close to us, we didn't feel it..." Clayton explained.

"What did it look like?" I inquired curiously.

"It's hard to tell. It was black, almost like a smoke figure... We could see through it and its eyes were red. It was twice the size of a bear and tall as a standing bear." Travon described.

His description reminded me of a creature that my brothers and I captured in the far north forest.

Fumus tenebris

This creature is usually a pet for evil. It brings chaos, fear, and sadness. I remember when I was close to it, I felt so overwhelmed that Percy had to take over for a while.

Now thinking about everything that has happened since the morning, it has to be it. It is the fumus tenebris.

"I know what it is and if that thing is here, we should be on our guards. It means nothing good and it's never alone." I warned them.

"What can we do?" Clayton asked me.

"You will have to look after every supernatural human on the campus. This thing will only create conflicts and we will have to make sure the humans stay safe. I'll try to find something that will keep it away from the campus," I replied.

"Magic?" Travon asked and I nodded.

Shortly after, we part ways.

I was making my way to Silas' office when my eyes landed on Elijah who was walking the opposite way. Our eyes met and we both stopped walking, standing a few inches away from each other.


That's the first thing that I thought about when I saw him.

"Done ignoring me?" he asked softly.

"I wasn't ignoring you," I told him firmly.

He took a step forward closing the gap between us, "You ran away from me."

"No... I forgot my phone in my last classroom. I went to pick it up." I came up with an excuse.

He looked me dead in the eyes, "Your heart is racing."

"Yeah I heard the growl earlier and I'm a little scared." I found myself saying.

Well, that wasn't a complete lie. I wasn't scared of the growl but the beast and the consequences of its arrival here, scares me.

It's a hell-world creature.

It shouldn't be here.

His gaze softened.

"Don't be... You already have a monster by your side and it will do everything to protect you," he promised with a small smile.

And I will do everything to protect you.

I did something that I never thought that I would do.

I hugged him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and once my nose smelled his cologne, I felt my body relax. I can tell he was taken aback because it took him a good minute to realize what was happening and when he did, he wrapped his arms around my back tightly.

His embrace feels peaceful.

All my thoughts and worries were gone.

His scent was addictive.

I didn't want to leave him.

He's definitely mine...

My soulmate.


Love ya

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