ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Author's notes : Let me make something clear before you start.

Words in the middle with a font like this are thoughts

Words bolded are... a secret for now but you can try guessing ^^

At last, i want to let yall know that i made the banner myself, even though y/n is a genius at art, the author isn't really good at drawing, especially online art. If you don't mind, please make some comments about how it is so i could improve when i draw another banner for this story!


A few months ago

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A few months ago


".....memory? We will pay for any prices!"

"Sorry, but I am afraid he can't recover his memory through medical treatment."

"How about him?................."

What happened..

Why is the world black..?

Where are the beautiful colors that I see everyday?


That's a familiar voice.. who is that?




Y/n's eyes fluttered open. Despite having a blurry view, he could identify the person in front of him easily. 

"Reo? Is that you?" Y/n asked, blinking a few more times to clear the blurriness.

"Yes! It's me! Thank god you didn't forget about me..." A purple hair boy said then immediately hugged the boy who just woke up.

"Reo.. what happened..? This place looks so plain, so white.."

Hm. What an ugly place to stay in.

"You don't remember what happened?" The purple hair boy lets go of the hug and looks directly to the (h/c) hair boy's eyes.

Something happened?




"You are finding t̷̡̼̤̲̩͛͂ͅh̶͓̬́ȁ̸̺͇̤̜t̸̡̡̜͉̜̫̼͓͛̈́ ̵̰̘̺̲̜̒̅̈́̐͜b̶̥̙͛͌̏̀̓̕ȍ̷̥͎͎͈̖̤͈̝̍̅̌͑́̚͝y̷̛̭̮͍͐̈́̽ again right?" (friend A) said while slurping up their slurpee.

"Of course! He's my treasure after all! He's perfect. From personality to looks, he gets 100 marks." Y/n laughs while hugging his notebook.

"Talking like a man who just got a lover.. Ah, i want a significant other too, my bed has room for 2~" (friend B) said and ended it with a wink . Then, they snatched the slurpee from (friend A) and started sprinting. "My drink now!" (friend B) holds up the slurpee and flexed it.

"Hey! That's mine! I bought this with the money i stole from Y/n! Get back here!!" (friend A) screamed and tried to steal the drink back. (friend B) immediately dodges and started running.

"This slurpee is pretty good, get me one next time too!"  (friend B) said as they lick their lips to remind themself the taste of the slurpee again.

"COME BACK!!!!!!" (friend A) shouted and chased them.

"Wait, you stole money from me? Never mind that. Hey! Don't run so fast! It's the middle of the road after all!" Y/n started running after his 2 friends.

"Ahahaha! You guys are so fun to tease-" (friend B) said while laughing but then stopped suddenly.

The two people at the other side of the pavement widened their eyes as they realized what is about to happen.


"Huh?" Y/n looked to his left, a shining light was coming closer and closer per second.

His eyes widened and his view turned red after the blinding light covered his sight completely.



"I.. got in a car crash?" Y/n said as Reo helped him to get into a more comfortable position instead of lying down.

"So your memory is still there, I wonder which part was lost.." Reo says and rubs his chin while thinking.

"Memory lost?"

"Mhm. I heard the doctors say-" Reo seems to have something to say but cut off.

"Oh! Y/n my dear. You are finally awake, the Mikage family's art genius is back again. You and Reo are such important people to the family, we can't afford to lose anyone of you." A lady with short purple hair said.

"You and Reo are surely going to be very successful in the future. One as a business man and one will be an artist!" A man with black hair said.

"Mum, dad.. Just let him rest for a while." Reo held a gentle smile. He raised his hand and ruffled Y/n's hair.


Something's missing..

A promise.. I made a promise.

Who did i make the promise with?

Who is it?



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