ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

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"Come in." Y/N said and turned around to see who knocked.

"I never expected you to read in the morning, y/n." A purple hair boy said while yawning. "Good morning, did you prepare everything already?" He continued.

"Well, 90% of it is packed. I just saw a old book in my bookshelf that I never finished so I am reading it now." y/n replied as he put a bookmark on where he stopped. " I will start packing the rest of my things now." y/n stood up and started searching for his supplies for drawing.

"Ok! I will get ready as well, let's meet at the car alright?" Reo said.

Y/n gave a nod as Reo left the room.

Hmm.. what do I need.. Maybe I will just bring a pencil, notebook and an eraser. It's not like I will get a lot of time to draw. 

Y/N started finding a random notebook he could bring. When he found one, he flipped through the pages and found an unfinished sketch.

Who was I drawing? This person seem to have hair to shoulder length.. And the pose is kicking a ball..?

This person is.. pretty, was it just one of the characters I imagined?

"Nevermind that.. I should hurry up." y/n mumbled and close the notebook, then stuffing it in his bag.

y/n walked out of the house and went in the car, Reo was already inside waiting for him.

"You're so slow on packing, y/n. Let's go to Nagi's house and pick him up now!" Reo said as he crossed his legs and put his hands behind his head. "Go to the location that I just sent you." Reo ordered.

"Yes, master Reo." The driver replied and started driving.

Y/n glanced at Reo and took out his notebook once again, flipping to the page with the unfinished sketch.

Reo noticed the unfinished sketch and looked at it, asked, " Who's that? Is he playing football?"

" I don't know who this is.. All i know is that he's quite pretty if he's a real person i drew. " Y/n said and mumbled the last line, gently using his fingers to brush over the sketch.



"We are here, master Reo and master y/n." The driver said and helped the 2 Mikage's to open the car door.

"Alright! Y/n, let's wake my treasure up!" Reo said and took out the extra keys that Nagi gave him and peeked inside. 

"Nagi! We're here, get up!" Reo shouted and stepped inside the house.

"I am up already.. Waking up is such a hassle " Nagi said while sitting upside down on the couch playing on his phone.

"Oh you're ready already! Ok, let's go now, get on my back!" Reo bent down to let Nagi hop on his back for the piggy ride.

"Which friend would give the other one a piggy ride.." Y/n  mumbled and sweat drops.


Nagi was sleeping on Reo's lap while Reo was looking at his phone.

Meanwhile, y/n was looking through his pictures in his phone to see if he had any reference photo about the sketch.

If he is in my gallery then he isn't just a person i thought of..

When y/n was scrolling, he saw a picture with a pink hair guy and him giving a peace sign to the camera. The pink hair person was turning away from the camera but gave a small glance when y/n took the picture.

Who's this, I don't remember seeing this person before..?

"Hey Reo, have you ever seen this person before?" Y/n said and showed the picture to Reo, catching Reo's attention from his phone.

"I don't think so.. But he does look like the person in the sketch that you drew." Reo replied.

"Hmm..." y/n started thinking more about this person, but he doesn't seem to remember him. No traces of him were in his memory.

Too bad I lost all of my contacts because of that accident.. Maybe it would be easier to search for him if I didn't. 

At least I saved the photos in my computer beforehand..

"But if your sketch is about him playing football, maybe he was invited to the program as well. There is a chance of seeing him there, right?" Reo said and looked at y/n.

Y/n widened his eyes after hearing what Reo said. "Right.. I might see him there! I wouldn't just draw a person i see no potential in, he definitely has the potential and the looks!" y/n said in a low volume and tried hiding his excitement.

"We have arrived." The driver said and once again opened the door for the boys.

"Nagi.. We are here.. Wake up" Reo said it in a gentle voice and tapped on his shoulders, in attempt to wake the albino up.

"mhm.." The sleepy boy replied and slowly got out of the car.

"This is the building right?" y/n asked.

"Yup! Pretty sure." Reo said and held Nagi's hand and started walking inside.


"Woah.. This area is quite empty.. Did we came here too early? " Y/n said while looking around. The place where they were only had a few people for now.

" Seems like we did.. " Reo said sighing.

"I should have slept longer.. " Nagi said giving a -x- expression.

"Maybe we should go to the corner and wait for others to come." Y/n said and started walking to a corner with less people.

"Alright! Nagi, you can sleep on my lap later when we go to that corner alright?" Reo said pointing at the corner y/n was walking to.

"What a hassle.." Nagi said as he followed.


I am not sure if this fic with be a complete romance one, but i might try to add a bit of fluff in with the pink hair boy i mentioned above (I think you guys know who i am talking about ^^)

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I am not sure if this fic with be a complete romance one, but i might try to add a bit of fluff in with the pink hair boy i mentioned above (I think you guys know who i am talking about ^^)

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