ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Author notes: To avoid confusion (again), the time when y/n got in the car accident was before high school started, basically the time when Reo just got to high school and it's a first year. (If i didn't do my research wrong, Reo is currectly a second year in the anime) One more important thing is that as high school only has 3 years in Japan, am trying to match the time with a certain second year and hope not to mix up the time line. Please tell me if some time lines doesn't make sense at all.


Who did I make the promise with?

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Who did I make the promise with?

Who is it?

A few years later

"Y/N!!! LOOK AT THIS!" A boy with purple hair rushed inside a room.

"Reo! I thought I already told you to knock before coming inside!" y/n shouted. Stopping his work as he turned around and looked at the boy who rushed in his room.

"Oops, I forgot about that.. But look! I found something that I really want!" Reo said and proceeded to show y/n a picture.

I don't see Reo being this excited over a thing, this might be quite interesting.

Y/n looked at the image and raised an eyebrow, said "Is that the world cup? And soccer? You have never even played soccer before, how are you going to get that?"

"Dad and mum said that I can get anything! I am sure they can let me get it! Come on, Let's ask together!" Reo said as he takes y/n's hand and drags him out of his seat.

"Hey! I am not the one who wants this-"


"No way. Forget about it." 

"Why? You told me to take whatever i wanted!" Reo yelled, not giving up.

"See, Reo? World cup isn't something to get easily..."y/n mumbled as he looked down at his hand that Reo is holding.

What are you expecting from that bastard anyways?

"You are my successor. Plus, only a chosen few can become pro soccer players. There's no way you can make it if you are just starting now." The man stands up from his seat while talking.

"That's right Reo. You'll go to a top-tier college and become a top-tier business man." A lady passed by the 2 boys while holding a cup of coffee on hand, gently putting it on the table and faced the boys.

"We're saying all of this for yours sake. Reo."

Are they control freaks? Who plans out a life for their child?



Y/n's face expression went from annoyed to a disgusted one in a split second.

"Let's go Reo. There's no use talking to them." Y/n said while walking to the door of the room.



"You know you can always try out soccer even though they told you to forget about it, maybe you have natural talent for it." Y/N said as he looks Reo directly to his eyes.

" Of course i am going to try it out! There's no way i would listen to them. He was the one who told me that i can get anything i want anyways. " Reo said with a pissed face as he sits on y/n chair.

Y/n ignored what Reo said and stared at him. After a while, he smirked and walked towards Reo.

"It seems that you do have some natural talent now that I look at you more, I sense something in you." Y/n said while slowly going more and more close to Reo's face and cups his face, making Reo look at him.




This action from Y/n confused Reo. Not knowing what to do, the two just stayed at the same position, staring at each other. Until Y/n lets go after letting out a small giggle, leaving the room.

"What just happened.." Reo's eyes widened as he touched his cheeks with his hands, thinking of what just happened.


Y/n walked inside the bathroom and closed the door gently. Walking up to the mirror, he blows air to it and drew a small cat with his finger.

Feeling accomplished by his work, he grinned, "Seems like I am pretty good at drawing as well~"

Y/n looked at the simple drawing that he made until it disappeared.


"Eh?" y/n opened his eyes and looked around. "Why am I in the toilet.. I thought I was in dad's office with Reo earlier.." y/n mumbled as he left the bathroom, seeing a blob of purple hair on his pillow after entering his room.

"So I am guessing me and Reo went to my room after asking dad and after a while I went to the bathroom..? Is my memory getting worse because of the accident?" y/n mumbled under his breath while sneaking close to the person on his bed.

Y/n saw his purple hair brother asleep on his bed.

Did I really go to the toilet for this long that he decided to sleep?

Y/n sighed then pulled up the blanket for Reo as to tuck him to bed.


I guess i am sleeping at Reo's room tonight.



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I will get to the actual story line soon, trust me-

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