Volume 1: New Stage

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Chapter 1

Yato Pov:



Yato: Argh...

As soon I heard my alarm coming from my phone, I immediately stopped it by tapping on my phone screen.

Yato: ...

I slowly opened my eyes while remaining lying down in my bed.

Yato: ...

After looking at the ceiling for a moment, I just got up from my bed while stretching my arms.

Yato: Yawns!

Still sleepy, I walked to my kitchen and opened my fridge to take a water bottle. I opened the bottle and took a sip to put it back in my fridge...

I returned to my room and looked at my phone on my nightstand, which showed it was now 8h07 a.m.

It was April First today, which means the start of the new school year.

Today also means it has been officially one year since I joined this school.

When I arrived here one year ago, I never imagined I would still be here today. However, my mindset was completely different last year...all I wanted was to find a way to get out of this school as quickly as possible.

But today, I guess my mindset changed...not because I started to enjoy going to class... no classes are still boring as ever...

No, what changed is that I found a reason and have some interest in staying here.

First, I met many people who caught my interest for different reasons...

There is also the fact that this school is different from a regular high school. Here there is a class ranking system, a system of private points, special exams, special rules and way more...With this system it allows students to show more of their abilities.

But the most important reason why staying here is no longer a problem for me...

Is that me who thought that my past could never catch me here...I was wrong.

In fact, for the first time in my life, my past is catching me like never before...and worst, there is still much more that I am still unaware of myself. Yet, strangely more and more people appear in this school who seem to know about me and my past...

But that's why I'm here in this school...

I'm here to continue my "own" fight.

But for this...I need to continue to be a student.

A student who is about to start his second High school year...

And the first step for this is...

Yato: Shower...

I just started walking to my bathroom to prepare myself for my first day of school.




Time skip

Yato Pov:

I just got out of my bathroom with a towel around my waist and was drying my hair with another one...

Yato: Sighs...it might be a whole year I'm here, but getting early is still a pain in the ass...

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