Volume 1: New Journey

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Chapter 2

One week ago

Touma Pov:

Touma: Advanced Nurturing High School...

I was currently on a bus in the direction of this school... The Advanced Nurturing High School. This place will be where I will study for the next three years.

This school wasn't my first choice, I received a lot of offers from some other great high schools, but everything changed a few months ago...

I could have continued on the same path I decided, but I changed my mind for a few reasons...

And in the end, this school might not be a bad idea. 

Touma: But still...imagining that he would go to High school...

When I learned that Yato was in this school a few months ago, I couldn't believe it...

As he would say himself...he would consider this a waste of time.

Touma: But yeah...it's been more than a year since I haven't seen him...even with how things ended between us... I can't help to wonder if something changed for him during the past year?

???: Hey sorry to bother you but is this seat taken?

As I was looking through the window while thinking about Yato, someone asked me this...

I started looking to my left and saw it was a girl with long blond hair.

The bus started to be filled and the seat next to me was one of the only remaining.

I just smiled and shook my head 

Touma: No this seat is free. You can take it if you want!

Hearing this she just smiled.

Hearing this she just smiled

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???: Thank you!

She then sits next to me while putting her bag on her.

Judging how much we were on the bus, I don't think there was any other bus stop before the school. So this girl and the others who just got on the bus were probably the last students.

I looked around and noticed that almost everyone was on their phone and wasn't talking to anyone.

It was our first year of high school, and not everyone chose their future school depending on their friend's school choices. That's why the first few days were often more complicated for everyone since we didn't know anyone...

Touma: We're almost at school... interacting with other students might not be a bad idea...after all, the girl next to me might end up in the same class as me.

Just as I was about to present myself to the girl beside me...

???: You're also joining the Advanced Nurturing High School by looking at your uniform, right? I'm Nanase Tsubasa!

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