Volume 1: Shopping

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Chapter 7

Yato Pov:

We were now Thursday and the weekend was coming soon.

I ended up leaving my room around the same time as usual.


I pressed the button to call the elevator and saw that it was coming from the upper floor...which was the girl's floor.

Yato: ...

Yesterday after I left Horikita's room I went to the Keyaki Mall for two things...one of them was to meet Ryuuen.

He called me without giving a reason for this meeting, but it ended up being more interesting than I could imagine...He truly seems ready to take down Sakayanagi this year. And that's why he wanted to confirm something with me when he still could. He wanted to know my future position in the incoming battles...

That's why he asked for my cooperation...

Of course, I don't think he asked me to join him because he can't win without me...no...I don't think Ibuki and Ishizaki understood and got the true reason why Ryuuen asked me to side with him...

The real reason why Ryuuen asked for my potential and future cooperation isn't for Sakayanagi...but for a goal way more ambitious than taking her down...

And that's why I accepted to bet on Ryuuen...

And the second reason I went to the Keyaki Mall...


As I was thinking about all this, the elevator finally arrived at my floor and the door immediately opened...

But as I saw who was in it...I couldn't help but smirk...

Yato: Well Well...

I just stepped in and walked to the back to lean against the wall...

Yato: Seeing you two together isn't a surprise at all... after knowing how close the two of you are right? Kushida, Horikita?

The door closed during the time I said this and the first thing I heard...

Kushida: Just shut up...

Horikita: ...

I just kept my smile as Horikita took a glance at Kushida who just ingored this last one...Horikita then turned around to look at me...

Horikita: Good morning Fukazawa-kun...

Yato: Yo...

I started looking at Horikita as well...she looked at me a moment before she just turned around not saying anything else...

I wonder if she was a bit mad by how I reacted yesterday but it was better like that...

Yes I trust Horikita Suzune...She is the person I can rely on the most here...

But still...

I can't share my problems with her...

Yato: ...

Horikita: ...

Kushida: ...

I looked at the board and it was showing that we were arriving soon at the dorm lobby...but just before that...

I started to smirk again and just took a step closer to Kushida...Now closer to her, I just bring closer my hand to my mouth to whisper something to Kushida...

Yato: Thanks for yesterday by the way!

Kushida: ...

With a deadly glace, she stared at me a moment while I just felt Horikita's gaze on us on my left...but almost immediately after the door opened and Kushida walked out of the elevator...

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