Volume 1: Meeting

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

Yato: Sighs...

I was currently lying down on the rooftop while watching the sky...I used the ladder to get up to the highest spot on the rooftop...the roof above the staircase to go on the rooftop. This place is off-limit but who cares...there is a ladder so I can get up there easily...

After what happened earlier I wanted to be alone not to be annoyed by anyone...Usually, only Ryuuen comes here from time to time during dinner break... but even if he comes here today he will not even notice me...

Yato: But seriously...

I was not expecting to see him here... and even less her! So what the hell is going on here...

I just took out my phone and opened the OAA app...

Class 1-B – Fukazawa Touma

First-Year Evaluation

Academic Ability: A- (81)

Physical Ability: B (72)

Adaptability: A- (82)

Social Contribution: A+ (96)

Overall Ability: A- (81)

Yato: ...

Touma: You haven't changed...You are still the same person that you became after I left you...No in fact...you might become worst than before...

Yato: Sighs...why would I change? Why would I become someone that I am not?

I continued looking at his OAA until I sighed and closed my phone...

Yato: I'm not like dad...and I will never be like him...but you...

I just sneered...

Yato: You are still following his footsteps...

But I suddenly started to remember our meeting earlier... something bothered me as we talked...there was something different in his gaze...

Yato: The hell happened to you during the year I was stuck here?

But now that he's here...with her...everything will be more complicated I guess...

Yato: Sighs...

This seriously happened because I sent her this damn keychain?

How can Mori let that happen? It's impossible that he didn't know that Touma enrolled here...

No, this bastard probably already knew it when he came to see me in February...

I remember when I asked him if Gramps did what I asked him...which was to keep an eye on Gou...he also asked me if I wanted some info about someone else... insinuating Touma...

This bastard knew that he would be here next year...

But why? Why let Touma comes here? After confirming that I would be confronted with a lot of problems...

Yato: Why he would...!!!!!!

As I was thinking about all this, I suddenly thought about something...

Yato: I see...

I just smirked and sneered...

Yato: 158 remaining...

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