Volume 1: The worst future?

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Chapter 8

Kiyo Pov:

Thursday night...

I decided to use the large quantity of leftover ingredients from yesterday's shopping spree with Amasawa to cook a tom yum goong.

I was now sitting on the floor in front of my table with a bowl of tom yum goong on it.

Kiyo: It's got a unique taste, but it isn't bad.

But as I was quietly eating the dish I had just made...


Kiyo: Someone knocking at my door at this hour?

It was soon 20h00 p.m and receiving any visitor that late was quite rare...even more for someone like me.

Not having finished my meal I got up and walked to my door. But when I took a look in the peephole...

Kiyo: ...

After seeing who it was on the other side, I just started to wonder why I didn't realize sooner it could only be him...

Without wasting any more time, I just opened my door before he started knocking again...

Yato: Yo Kiyo!

He just waved at me with his usual smirk and stepped in without waiting for me to tell him to come in.

Seeing him walking in my room I just closed the door behind him and sighed...

Kiyo: It is already quite late Yato. Can I know what you're doing here?

While looking around my room, he noticed the bowl of tom yum goong before looking at me puzzled...

Yato: You're the one who texted me saying you wanted to talk...

He then started looking at the tom yum goong again with a smirk...

Yato: Ohhh don't tell me there is a cute little kouhai who loves tom yum goong hiding in your room?

Saying this with a teasing voice...I immediately understood what he was insinuating...

Kiyo: No Amasawa isn't there... I just tried the recipe for myself...

Yato: Huuuh is that so...

Almost disappointed to hear this he started walking around my room until he sat on my bed and took out his phone...

Kiyo: And earlier I sent you a message saying that I would like to talk with you...Tomorrow Yato... Tomorrow.

Yato: Ahhh yeah yeah my bad...

Kiyo: ...

Not only he answered me in a way that it was obvious he didn't care about it...I was almost sure he didn't even listen to what I just said...

Kiyo: ...

But just like can be Koenji...I should use the time and attention Yato gives me for what I wanted to tell him...

Kiyo: I haven't had time to tell you properly but thank you for having found a great partner for Kei.

Yato: ...

This time what I said caught his attention since he just closed his phone and started looking at me...

Yato: Ah don't worry about it... Finding a good partner for Gou was in my plan anyway...so pairing her with Kei seemed the right choice...

Baji Gou... a girl from 1-A Class with an academic score of 90 which was incredible. But it wasn't the most important concerning this girl...no it was her last name...

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