Volume 2: Student Council

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

Yato: Sighs...

Still sleepy, I closed the door of my room after leaving it to finally leave the dorm.

The Golden Week ended in a flash, and we were back to our school lives.

I mostly stayed in my room but Sakayanagi insisted to come in my room so we could play chess.

The last time we played, I won against her but we didn't play since that time because she started targeting me to expel me...and failed.

That's why since I didn't play for a while she ended up winning our first game... well...it's probably just an excuse I found but anyway...

I guess our levels were pretty much the same... I would still give her the advantage since she has way more experience than me.

But yeah...

Aside from playing chess with Sakayanagi, I didn't meet anyone during the past week...

And more important...

I didn't notice something odd around me. Something related to my main problem which are my unknown enemies around me.

Maybe I should have gone out of my room more to create more situations and opportunities for them to do something...to try finding them out...

But I also need some vacation time to times...and that's why I just chilled out in my room for the week.

I'll deal with my problems in due time...

But first...

Yato: Yawns!!

While walking outside toward the school I just started stretching my arms in the air...


But while doing so, I just ended up hitting someone on my left...

Yato: Ahh sorry sorry...

I immediately apologized but when I started looking on my left...

Yato: Ah Sudo...it's just you...

I felt someone walking behind me for a moment... I was wondering who it was but it ended up being only Sudo...

Sduo: Yo...

As he greeted me, I started to walk again but to my surprise, he just started walking as he adjust his walking pace to mine...

Yato: ...

Then it's not just a coincidence...he was really following me...and his attitude right now...

Yato: So...you're leaving for school quite late today...you didn't go to your club activities this morning?

Sudo: Ahh well... Since it is the first class day since the Golden Week ended, we didn't have any club activities this morning...

Yato: I see...

I can't confirm if he's lying or not since I'm not in a club or never be into one, but...

I don't know why but there is something odd with Sudo this morning...

His answer, the quick glance he's taking at me, his voice tone, his attitude...

Yato: If there is something you want to ask go ahead Sudo...After being classmate for more than a whole year, I won't eat you...

Sudo: Sighs...so it was that much obvious that I wanted to ask you something...

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