Volume 3: Beach Volley

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Chapter 4

Touma Pov:

Once again I woke up around 6:00 a.m. 

Yesterday I set up my tent and decided to camp with Ryuuen and Katsuragi who I ended up encountering in C4.

Compared to my first night on the island the time has been more enjoyable. I wasn't alone in the middle of the forest like my first night... Participating alone has its advantages but also cons...That's why spending the time allowed to rest after the exam day at 5 p.m. with Ryuuen and Katsuragi was definitely more enjoyable than my first night.

The night falls quickly on the island, and that's why we made a fire to be able to see something around...We also managed to eat a better meal than the portable meals the school sold us since we caught enough fish for dinner.

From 5 p.m. and till past 9 p.m. we had time to lose...that's why we spent the evening time talking. At first, Ryuuen remained silent while Katsuragi and I were talking, but he slowly joined the conversation as the evening gradually passed...

Exchanging with Katsuragi had been extremely interesting as I heard a bit more about this school and their first year here... He also said that he had been the leader of his original class for a moment until he decided to step down as the leader for the good of the collective due to a conflict with Sakayanagi. During our conversation, I saw that we were similar on certain points...but he was just like I imagined...

The one I have been more surprised about was Ryuuen Kakeru...

It was a name I had heard before from Keisuke back in the day, but I hadn't really paid attention cause it was just a delinquent amount the others...

I also heard about him more recently from Gou... I heard a few weeks ago he would have saved Gou from Hosen who was interested in Gou due to her being Keisuke's little sister.

At first, I got why she took an interest in this guy...After all, when I saw him for the first time, I also noticed how Ryuuen and Keisuke look alike...

But after seeing him face to face and talking with him... I might have judged him too quickly...which is not something I usually do.

I originally heard about him as a famous delinquent the same type as Hosen is...but he's not just a delinquent who does this for fun...no...

The best way to put it would be that he's more of a thoughtful person than I originally expected him to be...

In fact, just like Yato, he seems to be the type of guy to be able to do anything to obtain what he wants...

I guess back then I judged him too fast due to my problem and comprehension of "Bad" and "Good"...

Just like Yato, they can see a path that I can't fully comprehend or can't accept to take by myself...

That's why I took a certain interest in this duo which is Ryuuen Kakeru and Katsuragi Kohei...two people who saw different paths but are able to work together to create the most optimal path for their goals and class...


As I was thinking about all this, I was in front of the river and was washing my face.

Touma: But now...the third day of the special exam is about to start...with the points I obtained from the "Football juggling" task for the second place and the Arrival Points in C4...I have now a total of 60 Points. The ranking will be shown starting tomorrow, and my objective is to be part of the top 10 tomorrow...I've been alone since the beginning, but I've been meticulous about my movement and my task selections...if with all my effort I couldn't reach the top 10 it might be a problem for the future...

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