Volume 1: Suspicion

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

Yato: Sighs...

As I looked at the classroom ceiling, I sighed while leaning my legs on my desk...

The reason for being in such an annoyed and tired mood? 

It wasn't because the class day has been long...

Kiyo: Next time to avoid being the center of all this undesired attention you should think before acting as you did earlier during lunch break...

Yato: Sighs, I know I know...

As Kiyo who was sitting on my right said...

I was currently the center of the attention of my class...The reason?

Well, it was of course because of the current hot topic in our school year which was our interaction with these first years this morning...

And since I played a big role in that scene most people's gaze was all on me...Or people tried to avoid looking at me while talking about what happened...

I guess my little scene with Hosen showed something that people had never seen or weren't expecting from me...

I have always been quite nonchalant and rude but still...I never really acted like I did earlier here...

But I couldn't help myself...After seeing this ugly ass face of Hosen, I just reacted like the good old time...

Yato: I played the nice guy for waaay too long...

Kiyo: Who would have guessed that you had such a reputation back then...

Yeah, usually people just know the name of Baji Keisuke, a known delinquent around Tokyo...I was just the guy with him...

Ryuuen heard about me but couldn't be sure that I was "this guy" since we had never met before...but it's a different story for Hosen...

I still remember the day I met Hosen...it was quite fun...

Kiyo: But now that I think about it...No wonder if you seem to get along with Ryuuen...

Yato: Huh?

I just started to look at him puzzled and a bit annoyed...

Yato: The hell is supposed to mean?

Kiyo: I wonder...King-sama

I just sneered while shaking my head after hearing what he just said...

He then got up from his seat and took his bag...

Kiyo: But still...you are more courageous than I thought...

I just started looking at him amused...

Yato: What? To have faced this gorilla earlier? Are you kidding me...don't tell me you're scared hahahaha!

I just started to laugh but no surprise, Kiyo kept the same expression until...

Kiyo: I wasn't talking about Hosen...I'm talking about the fact that you are still in class and didn't run away from Horikita...

Yato: ...

Suddenly my smile and amused attitude disappeared...

Yato: Ah...

I slowly started looking in Horikita's desk direction and noticed that a few people currently surrounded her...probably to talk about the exam...

But still...

She was standing with her arms crossed while looking in my direction...and her gaze was...

Yato: Sighs...

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