Volume 2: Strategy

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

Today during class, Chabs-sensei announced the schedule organized by the school for our summer vacations.

We learned that we would spend a whole week on a cruise ship with many activities to enjoy our summer...

But of course...in this school, behind good news is hiding terrible ones.

This means that before our week on the cruise ship, the whole school will go to a desert island for a new special exam.

This exam seems to be on a totally another scale than what we went through before. In fact, we only learned a part of the rules of this upcoming exam...

But despite this...people already started to plan the upcoming battle.

And that's why...

Ryuuen: Fukazawa...Join my class.

Yato: ...

When I arrived in my room after school ended...Ryuuen was already here waiting for me...

Yato: ...

Still sitting on my chair, I didn't answer anything, and with my usual nonchalant attitude I continued looking at Ryuuen who was sitting on my bed.

Yato: Joining your class huh?

I leaned my back against my chair while keeping a straight face until...

Yato: Is that a joke?

When I asked this with my usual disinterested voice tone, his gaze sharpened while maintaining eye contact with me.

Ryuuen: Do I look like I'm joking?

Yato: ...

I continued looking at him until I started becoming more serious as well...

Yato: No...you're dead serious about it...

His eyes, his attitude, his voice tone...everything was leading me to think he was serious about this offer. It wasn't something he came up on the fly to get a certain reaction from me or with an unknown purpose behind this offer...This offer has been carefully pondered by Ryuuen before. 

As he pointed out last time in the Karaoke room, I didn't answer his question...

Ryuuen: What do you plan to do with your private points?

This means the idea and possibility of him asking me to join his class was something in his mind for a moment already.

Ryuuen: That's right, Fukazawa...I'm dead serious about it. I already gathered the private's points from a few students necessary so we can have 20 million with yours...

Yato: What's wrong with you? Scared of Sakayanagi, Ichinose and Horikita...or even Kiyo? That's why you come here to beg me to join your class, Ryuuen? Do you want me to win this game of Class battle for you?

Hearing this, he just started to smirk without losing his cold despite my provocation...

Ryuuen: Kuku, what's up with this cheap provocation Fukazawa? 

Of course, Ryuuen understood that it was a provocation...only to hear his full reasoning for asking me to join his class.

Ryuuen: I'm not asking you to lead my class for me you bastard...I'll crush them by my own methods. No, what I want is someone else with a head on his shoulder who can work with me...

Yato: What about Hiyori? She can't fit that role you are describing?

He stayed silent a moment until he just shook his head in disagreement...

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