Special Short Story # 2

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Keisuke Pov:

We were on the 24th of December. It was Christmas Eve tonight. I had things planned later, but I was currently at home watching TV since it was only 3:00 p.m.

Alternating between the TV and my phone, I suddenly heard the door of the apartment open...

???: I'm home Kei-chan!

I just put my phone on the living room table in front of me and took a peek at the entrance on my left...

I just put my phone on the living room table in front of me and took a peek at the entrance on my left

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Keisuke: Gou? You're already home?

I heard her removing her shoes, and she walked in shortly afterward.

Gou: Yeah, we only had school this morning, and I spent some time at school with Touma and other friends.

Keisuke: I see...

Technically, it was still a school day despite being the 24th of December. Of course, I skipped school for many past weeks...Though I hesitated to go to school a few times, curious about this Ryuuen guy, I ended up being too lazy to do so.

Yato has been busier lately with Dazai and the others. I tag along from time to time to hang out with him, but it's also a good way to get money...

Mom is still at the hospital, which doesn't help with our financial life...I don't complain about it, but I take any extra money I can. I'm the one who needs to take care of Mom and Gou...My bastard of father ran away shortly after Gou was born. I'm the one who needs to be there for their needs. That's why I don't spit on the money I can make by working with Yato...

Yato always complains that I should take his money as he doesn't care about it...but I refuse...

Money is a good thing...

But it is also very terrifying and dangerous...

Mom always warned me about it after all...

Keisuke: Touma isn't here?

I asked this since she mentioned that she was with her friends and Touma before coming here...he might have accompanied her here.

Gou: Sighs...

But after hearing my question, she just sighed, dropped her school bag on the floor, and sat on a chair next to the kitchen table.

Gou: "I'll leave you here, Gou. After all, I prefer not encountering him here by chance and avoid any problems." That's what Touma said as we were approaching home...

I see, so he prefers avoiding coming here in case Yato is at home...

Gou: Sighs...I swear...

I swear

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