Volume 4.5: Treasure Hunt Part 1

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Chapter 9

7th August \ Fourth day of the vacation

Yato POV:

After leaving Fuka last night, I went back to my room and had to deal with Koenji since, as he had said himself, this last one needed to train his magnificent body. 

With the rule prohibiting students from leaving their room after 10 p.m. I had to find a way to make him stop sweating and do some training in that damn room.

After some usual exchange, we finally agreed on something, and I managed to get a moment of peace in the room.

That's how I managed to get to sleep, but what was awaiting me was even worse...

Around 8:30 a.m. the next morning, the devil came knocking at my door.

Amasawa Ichika didn't forget that she won that stupid hide-and-seek game. At 8:30 a.m., she was in front of my room and ready to take me out to eat our breakfast together.

Somehow accepting my defeat, I prepared myself with some reluctance and ended up at the same restaurant as yesterday with Amasawa.

Amasawa: Huph! Senpai!

Using my hand to rest my head on it I just raised my gaze to look at Amasawa sitting in front of me.

Amasawa: I bring you with me so you can entertain me, you know? So stop being such a grumpy senpai...

She was looking at me with her weird attitude of being annoying but making sure to stay cute at the same time. The same type of attitude and acting Kushida uses around people as Ike when these types of guys play dumbs around her.

Yato: Arghh...I'm not a clown you know? I'm here, so it should be more than enough...

Now in more than forcing me to accompany her to take her damn breakfast, I should entertain her by making the conversation? It wasn't in the deal...I can stay silent the whole time if I want.

Amasawa: Ahhhh Senpai Senpai Senpai~~

As if she found something funny in what I said, she crossed her arms and just shook her head a few times before starting to look at me with her usual smile.

Amasawa: You'll be a horrible boyfriend if you act like you do with me~~

Yato: And you'll be a terrifying girlfriend if you torture him like you do with me...

Amasawa: Ahhh, stop the teasing, senpai~~ I'm sure you're enjoying yourself deep down that a cute girl like myself is asking you out for breakfast.

Yato: My level of happiness is definitely in the negative right now...

Amasawa: Hehe~~

Almost happy with my honest answer, she just smiled before starting to eat her plate of pancakes again.

Yato: Sighs...some pancakes again huh?

As I pointed it out, I just took a sip of my coffee while she finished her bite.

Amasawa: What's wrong with that? You're the one who told me I should enjoy these as much as I want.

Yato: That's right but you know...You'll gain some...


Just before I could finish my sentence, I moved my feet away before she could stomp her own feet on mine.

Amasawa: Keep these thoughts to yourself, okay?

Yato: Yeah Yeah whatever...

She stared at me with a fake smile before she started paying attention to her plate of pancakes.

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